6246 results found
Medical tests
… from carbohydrate foods . It is the main source of energy used by the body. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body's cells use the glucose. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and … levels increase slightly after you eat. This increase causes your pancreas to release insulin so that your blood …
Health topics
… case you need medical care during your trip. Learn how to use a portable oxygen tank. Know how long it will last. … needed. Get a portable oxygen concentrator and learn how to use it. Some types of oxygen concentrators can be taken on airplanes, cruise ships, buses, and trains. Travel by plane When booking your flight, …
Health topics
… is lymphedema? Lymphedema is a collection of fluid that causes swelling (edema) in the arms and legs. Normally, lymph … the affected arm or leg, and lymphedema can occur. What causes it? One cause of lymphedema is surgery to remove lymph nodes , usually …
Health topics
… swab. Check the insulin bottle or cartridge. When you use an insulin bottle for the first time, write the date on … give your shots in different places on your body each day, use the same site at the same time of day. For example, each … At dinner, give your insulin into one of your legs. If you use alcohol to clean the skin before you give the shot, let …
Health topics
… a video on how to express breast milk. You may decide to use a manual or electric pump for one of two reasons: Essential: You need to pump because your baby cannot breastfeed or cannot breastfeed well … and baby are separated. Optional: You choose to pump because you wants some additional milk 'just in case', because …
Health topics
… of therapy, a counsellor helps you while you remember or use your mind to see the feared object or distressing … experience. Hypnosis and virtual reality are sometimes used. Often during this type of therapy, you are encouraged … of distress in a different way. You are also taught how to use various relaxation techniques, such as breathing …
Medical tests
… page: Test Overview Test Overview Radioactive tracers are used in imaging tests that help find problems inside the … collect in a certain organ or area. The types of tests that use radioactive tracers include positron emission tomography … That's the case even with the low-level radioactive tracer used for this test. But the chance of damage is very low …
Health topics
… Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in people 6 years of age and older who have moderate or … or leukotriene pathway modifiers for 3 months. People who use oral or injected corticosteroids or who need high doses … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… get better with time. Here are some tips on how to cope: Use nicotine gum, lozenges, or an inhaler. Distract … exercises or yoga. Do a puzzle or some other activity that uses your hands. Take on a household task. What else works? Use the space below to add to …
Health topics
… can be dangerous. Appetite suppressants are meant to be used only for a few weeks. Do not use these medicines if you have heart disease, high blood … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …