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4227 results found
Health topics
… Out of 1,000 women who are diagnosed with breast cancer during screening mammograms, experts estimate that about 190 … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No … effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. Do you have enough support and advice from others to make a choice? Yes No …
Health topics
… What is polyhydramnios? Amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. Having too much of this fluid is called … if: You have diabetes. This includes diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). The fetus has a … any symptoms of too much amniotic fluid. Often it's found during a routine ultrasound. But some people do have …
Health topics
… Exercise-induced asthma is an asthma attack that happens during or after exercise. It's also called exercise-induced … you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced. During an attack, you may feel short of breath. Your chest … agree that it's hard to diagnose exercise-induced asthma during a regular physical examination. That means it often …
Health topics
… is the lower part of the uterus. It leads to the vagina. During pregnancy, it is tightly closed to protect the baby. … This is a clue that your cervix may not stay closed during pregnancy. Have a short cervix and have a history of … are rare. They include: Infection. Damage to the cervix during the procedure. Excessive blood loss. Preterm …
Health topics
… UV therapy is used with other psoriasis medicines. During phototherapy, you may stand in a booth that contains … such as protecting your eyes by wearing UV-blocking goggles during treatments. What To Expect After treatment, the skin … eye problems. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking goggles during phototherapy treatments. Other skin diseases getting …
HealthLinkBC files
… Fatigue Weight loss The intensity of symptoms may change during the course of the illness. Dehydration can also … not exist normally in B.C. or Canada. Most infections occur during travel to countries where this parasite is common, … How do I prevent cyclosporiasis? Wash your hands before, during and after preparing food Wash fruits and vegetables …
Health topics
… for you. You may feel some discomfort or muscle twitching during the treatment. You may feel this less as you have … down the level. You'll be closely watched for any problems during the treatment. It will last about half an hour. What … treatments that you get less often. Risks Some people faint during this procedure. There is also a small risk of seizure …
Health topics
… every 2 to 3 hours. By 3 months, most babies sleep longer during  the night. Some need more sleep than others. Bedtime … will feed and go back to sleep easier. Keep the light off during nighttime feedings, and use a soft voice. Settle your … as quickly as possible if your baby isn't acting hungry during a nighttime feeding. If your baby doesn't settle …
Health topics
… A tubo-ovarian abscess is a pocket of pus that forms during an infection of a fallopian tube and ovary. This … is guided by ultrasound or by cutting into the abscess during laparoscopy or laparotomy . Sometimes the infected … A tubo-ovarian abscess is a pocket of pus that forms during an infection of a fallopian tube and ovary. This …
Health topics
… tests in the second trimester Last updated August 10, 2013 During your second trimester, you’ll see your doctor or … check the growth of your baby Some women develop depression during pregnancy while a small number will develop an …