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4227 results found
Medical tests
… In some cases, a dye ( contrast material ) may be used during the MRI to show pictures of structures more clearly. … to reduce the noise. You will be asked to hold still during the scan. You may be asked to hold your breath for … technologist will watch through a window and talk with you during the test. How long the test takes The test usually …
Health topics
… with exercise. This type of self-monitoring is often used during the last stage of a rehab program. This is when you … contract and pump blood. When you increase your heart rate during aerobic exercise, the heart fibres become stronger … do it. Reducing how hard your heart has to work at rest and during exercise. Reducing body fat. Benefits of strength …
Health topics
… of sleep each day. Sleep gives your brain a little holiday. During this break, your brain has time to: Grow and repair … include: Sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is breathing that stops during sleep. The problem can be mild or severe, based on … or twitching deep in the toes, ankles, knees, or hips—often during sleep. The symptoms can wake you up, disturbing your …
Health topics
… has an increased risk for a heat-related illness during a heat wave. Extensive exposure to extreme heat can … that affect a person's risk for a heat-related illness during a heat wave include: Living in cities, because heat … has an increased risk for a heat-related illness during a heat wave. Extensive exposure to extreme heat can …
Health topics
… home remains a child's most important sphere of influence during the early school years. It's also the base from which … back home with a sense of pride and newfound confidence. During the first years of school, children make friends with … home remains a child's most important sphere of influence during the early school years. It's also the base from which …
Health topics
… night Try to have your toddler eat regular meals and snacks during the day Regular bedtime routines Wind down the action … At 12 months - May sleep about 14 hours per day, partly during morning and afternoon naps. Between 12 months and 18 …
Health topics
… example, at a green light). Being confused or overwhelmed during driving (for example, being confused by traffic signals). Making bad decisions during driving, or making decisions too slowly. Having … lot. Dents or scrapes on the car. Being angry or frustrated during driving. Not staying in the correct lane (for …
Health topics
… area is called the epidural space. An epidural can be used during childbirth to partly or fully numb the lower body. … enough feeling and muscle strength so that you can push during contractions. For a caesarean birth (C-section), a … body below the insertion site. This will help relieve pain during labour and birth. What To Expect The epidural …
Medical tests
… much heart muscle has been damaged from the heart attack. During the scan, a camera takes pictures of the heart after … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … your heart muscle. You will be asked to remain very still during each scan. The camera will move to take more pictures …
Health topics
… antibiotics. Having a higher estrogen level. This may occur during pregnancy or with hormone therapy use during menopause. Having diabetes, especially if your blood … when urine touches irritated skin. Pain in the vagina during sexual intercourse. Symptoms are more likely to occur …