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HealthLinkBC files
… before you leave. A long period of time is over 1 month during high risk season from July to October, or over 6 months during the rest of the year. What are the benefits of the … of those will die or have permanent brain damage. Infection during the first 6 months of pregnancy may result in …
HealthLinkBC files
… Examples include straws, pipes, spoons, cookers and needles During pregnancy to a baby before or during delivery HBV is not spread by: Kissing, hugging or … as straws, pipes, spoons, cookers and needles Use a condom during sexual activity Do not donate your blood, semen, body …
Health topics
… how to avoid common problems. A feeding tube is inserted during a surgery. After the surgery, you'll have a 15- to … and how long it should take. Sit up or keep your head up during the feeding and for 60 minutes (or as long as your … If you feel sick to your stomach or have stomach cramps during the feeding, slow the rate that the formula comes …
Medical tests
… clothes above the waist. You will be given a gown to wear during the examination. First, your health professional will … hands together to tighten the muscle beneath each breast during this part of the examination. You may also lie flat … women have the same lumpiness or thickening in both breasts during the menstrual cycle. A clear or milky discharge …
… medication to avoid accidentally getting it in your eyes. During the first few weeks of using this product, your acne … mild burning/stinging, or worsening of acne may occur during the first 2 to 4 weeks of using the medication. These … to a bacteria called C. difficile. This condition may occur during treatment or weeks to months after treatment has …
… specific health needs. Warning Riociguat must not be used during pregnancy. It may harm an unborn baby. It is … treatment. Female patients must use reliable birth control during treatment and for 1 month after the end of treatment. … before starting treatment, take a monthly pregnancy test during treatment, and take a pregnancy test 1 month after …
… is also used before exercise to prevent breathing problems during exercise (bronchospasm). This medication can help … are taking this medication to prevent breathing problems during exercise, take your dose at least 2 hours before … regularly to keep your asthma under control, even during sudden asthma attacks or periods when you have no …
Health topics
… use the tendon, and you may have more pain and stiffness during the night or when you get up in the morning. How is … or painful. Pain and stiffness that may be worse during the night or when you get up in the morning. … your symptoms. You will also have a physical examination. During this examination, the doctor will check your overall …
Health topics
… You may be asked to keep a diary of your experience during this time. Doctors, nurses, social workers, and other … or schedule to use, and what types of side effects occur. During this phase, all the people involved in the study … this phase will be considered for Health Canada approval. During phase III trials, participants receive the study …
… any serious side effects, including: interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) signs of infection (such as sore … disease dementia trouble swallowing breathing trouble during sleep (sleep apnea) Asenapine may cause a condition … and lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …