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5935 results found
Health topics
… is an important part of caring for yourself when you have HIV. Take your HIV medicines as directed. This helps … system stay strong so it can fight off other infections. Have safer sex. Use a condom every time you have sex. This helps prevent sexually transmitted infections …
Health topics
… are some tips. Celebrate small accomplishments. You don't have to achieve big things to feel proud of yourself. The … having more negative thoughts. For example, you might have a conflict with a co-worker and think, "That's going to … to acknowledge the thoughts you're having. But you don't have to accept them as fact. Check your self-talk. The …
Health topics
… or they can start later in childhood. Sometimes teens have growing pains. After growing pains start, a child may have them off and on for 1 or 2 years. Not all children have growing pains. What causes them? Doctors don't know why …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Many women have caffeine during pregnancy. And in small amounts, … brewed. Coffee drinks such as a 500 mL (16 fl oz) mocha can have 175 mg of caffeine, and a 375 ml (12 fl oz) regular coffee can have as much as 260 mg of caffeine. Tea can have 30 mg to …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … asthma symptoms. And they may be used to treat people who have only mild asthma symptoms now and then. (This is called … 15 minutes. What about side effects? You may get anxious or have tremors (for example, you may have unsteady, shaky …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … makes more acid. What about side effects? Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects might go away … dizzy. They might cause diarrhea or constipation. You may have nausea and vomiting. PPIs can cause headaches and …
Health topics
… to traumatic events in different ways. But it's common to have some type of reaction. You may react right away or … weeks, or months later. After a traumatic event you may: Have changes in your emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or … shame, or guilt. Feeling too little emotion, or numb. Have changes in your behaviours, such as: Avoiding people or …
Health topics
… health problem during pregnancy. This includes those who have never had asthma before. During an asthma attack, it … prevent and control asthma attacks. If you're pregnant and have asthma, here are some things to know: If more than one … help right away to get instructions on what to do. You may have ultrasounds after 32 weeks to monitor the baby's …
Health topics
… his thoughts about the basics. Dr. Keller, many people have low back pain. When someone sees you about low back … Is there anything that can be done? Dr. Keller: You have to understand that the pain will go away. It may take … a question of how someone deals with pain. Some people have a high tolerance for pain; others have a lower …
Health topics
… and loss of feeling in the feet, legs, and hands. When you have peripheral neuropathy, you may have less feeling in your fingers and toes. You may have trouble with your balance. It may be hard to do things …