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5935 results found
Health topics
… Coping With Eating Problems Actionset Overview Some people have trouble swallowing, called dysphagia, after a stroke. … feel food on one or both sides of your mouth. You may also have problems chewing or producing enough saliva. Or you may have other conditions that make eating difficult and …
Health topics
… Information Overview If your doctor thinks you might have a heart rhythm problem, your doctor may ask you to keep … help your doctor find out what type of rhythm problem you have. And if you have a rhythm problem, a symptom diary can help you keep …
Health topics
… and grocery stores. These are helpful first-aid supplies to have at home: Adhesive bandages, such as Band-Aids, in … in.) square Tweezers These are helpful self-care tools to have at home: Cold pack Eyedropper Hand-held mirror Heating … spoon Nail clippers Pillbox Scissors Thermometer If you have children younger than age 6, consider adding these: …
Health topics
… with HIV are described as non-progressors . These people have HIV that does not progress to more severe symptoms or … but they can still spread HIV. Most non-progressors: Have lived with the infection for 10 to 15 years and remained healthy. Do not have declining CD4+ cell counts. Have a very low level of …
Health topics
… Sickle beta-thalassemia. Someone with this disease may have mild to severe sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin SC disease. A person with this disease may have generally milder symptoms and a longer lifespan than a … ill. Hemoglobin SE disease. Someone with this disease may have mild anemia. Most people don't have symptoms. …
Health topics
… can remember and learn from what they hear. They often have good skills needed for reading and spelling. They may have difficulty with math, because math is often taught … Children with non-verbal learning disorder usually want to have friendships but may have difficulty understanding …
Health topics
… to harm themself or others. A person also may go if they have mental illness symptoms, such as seeing or hearing … review of the person's symptoms or a diagnosis. It also can have treatment options, like medicines and group … Ask about the hospital's rules. For example, most hospitals have rules about visiting hours, the number of visitors, …
Health topics
… Physical growth and development Most children by age 3: Have gained about 2 kg (4.4 lb) and grown about 8 cm (3 in.) … the head and legs look more in proportion with the body. Have a complete set of baby teeth . Go to the Dietitians of … concept of "two." For example, they understand when they have two cookies rather than one. But they usually aren't …
HealthLinkBC files
… around them, and the environment they live in. Children have the same feelings as adults. They may not know the … am feeling sad because Grandma can’t come for a visit. You haven’t done anything wrong.” Notice cues that say distress … such as developing new skills and abilities. They have to learn everything – how to crawl, walk, talk and be …
Health topics
… Two techniques can help you manage your energy when you have ME/CFS. They are: Staying within your energy envelope. … of symptoms is called post-exertional malaise. People who have ME/CFS often call it a "crash." Staying in your energy envelope You can think of the amount of energy you have to spend in a day as your "energy envelope." You stay …