5935 results found
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. High blood … You may feel dizzy and weak. High potassium levels. You may have other side effects or reactions not listed here. Check …
Health topics
… during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your treatment goals. A … and when to take them. How to treat symptoms before you have an attack. What to do if an attack becomes an … zone, one or more of these things may be true: You don't have any symptoms. You're able to do your usual activities …
Health topics
… It can range from mild to severe. The more signs of it you have, the more severe it may be. Moderate to severe opioid … is sometimes called dependence or addiction. People who have it may find it hard to control their use. This disorder … reason. What are the signs of opioid use disorder? You may have opioid use disorder if two or more of the following are …
Health topics
… relieve their symptoms. This can lead to problems. If you have PTSD and use alcohol or drugs, you're more likely to … condition. It affects your brain and behaviour. When you have this condition, it's very hard to control your use of … disorder The more symptoms of substance use disorder you have, the more severe it may be. Symptoms include: Using …
Health topics
… in the ground. It's easier this way, because she doesn't have to bend down too low to care for them, and it doesn't … take as much effort to plant them. She also uses tools that have large, curved handles instead of thin, straight … comfortable to use. "Gardening books and magazines always have wonderful ideas and innovations that you can use," she …
Health topics
… in nursing homes or other care centres where people may have poor bowel control and poor hygiene. Some types of … infected. You may be infected for months, even if you don't have symptoms. What are the symptoms? Giardiasis can cause … you may be tested for giardiasis even though you don't have any symptoms. For example, this could happen during an …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … They lower blood pressure. Beta-blockers may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. High blood … All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects sometimes go away …
Health topics
… weeks, or months later. After the event your child may: Have changes in their emotions, such as: Worrying a lot … anxiety. For example, your child may not want to leave you. Have changes in their behaviours, such as: Returning to … more or less than usual. Having nightmares about the event. Have physical changes, such as: Trouble sleeping. Headaches, …
Health topics
… weeks, or months later. After the event your teen may: Have changes in their emotions, such as: Becoming more … easily angered or irritated. Feeling sad or depressed. Have changes in their behaviours, such as: Avoiding people … as unsafe sex or driving too fast. Using alcohol or drugs. Have physical changes, such as: Having headaches, dizziness, …
Health topics
… this Interactive Tool: What Is Your Child's BMI? If you have concerns that your child is overweight or obese, ask … before and during puberty it is normal for children to have a significant gain in weight before they begin to grow … (such as children who are very active in sports), may have a high BMI but have normal or even lower-than-normal …