5935 results found
Health topics
… pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Are breastfeeding. Have nasal polyps. Have a blood-clotting disorder or take blood thinners (anticoagulants). Have peptic ulcer disease. Have a history of …
Health topics
… when you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have a drug or alcohol blackout. In a blackout, you lose … eat dinner, wash dishes, or watch television. But later you have no memory of doing them. Many people who have blackouts aren't worried about them. They might …
Health topics
… health, quality of life and degree of independence. If you have a disability, having adequate endurance, strength and … plans to become active and get their advice Make sure you have the right equipment (if needed) to participate in the … can be more active in your daily life. Remember: it doesn't have to be strenuous. Gardening, playing with your kids and …
Health topics
… Overview People with schizophrenia have goals and desires just like people who do not have the illness. These may include starting a family. You can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby if you have …
Health topics
… visit during your first trimester, you'll be weighed and have your blood pressure checked. Your urine may also be … conditions and birth defects You can choose whether to have tests for certain conditions, such as Down syndrome . … test can be done to find certain genetic conditions. If you have your first prenatal visit during your second trimester, …
Health topics
… of the emotional problems that a child with dyslexia can have are due to frustrations and failures at school and … to memory for future use. These abilities are necessary for organizational skills, planning, impulse control, selective … to memory for future use. These abilities are necessary for organizational skills, planning, impulse control, selective …
Medical tests
… Doctors use the KOH preparation test to find out if you have a fungal infection. This kind of infection can happen … It Is Done Your doctor may do a KOH test to find out if you have one of these fungal infections: Ringworm of the scalp , … infection . How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you …
Health topics
… obstructive sleep apnea . But even though most people who have sleep apnea snore, not all people who snore have sleep apnea. If you have sleep apnea: How loud and how often you snore changes …
Health topics
… after pregnancy Last updated August 5, 2013 Women who have delivered a baby vaginally will tell you that, after … effects of some pain medications. Most new mothers will have a bowel movement within two to three days after giving … at drug stores). Use them for a short time only. If you have stitches, you may find that supporting the area with a …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You may have a very mild form of hyperthyroidism called subclinical … are low but your thyroid hormone levels are normal. If you have subclinical hyperthyroidism, you may have no symptoms at all. Or you may lose weight or feel …