5935 results found
Health topics
… or no sperm in their semen (not due to a blockage) may have genetic testing before they start ICSI to screen for … if they've been fertilized. After incubation, the eggs that have been successfully fertilized or have had 3 to 5 days to further develop are selected. One or …
Health topics
… to fitness Reason for not being active Possible solution "I have no time." "I'm too busy at work." "I'm always feeling rushed." "I have more important things to do." Look at other people who … expert for a few sessions to help you get started. "I'll have a heart attack." "My knees are bad." "I'll pull a …
Health topics
… fill with fluid, and produce extra mucus . Most babies who have chronic lung disease survive. But symptoms may come … may not be fully developed. This makes the baby likely to have problems that can lead to chronic lung disease such as: … premature babies need this treatment, especially if they have respiratory distress syndrome . But a ventilator's …
Medical tests
… Generally, an upper GI series is not used if you do not have symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem. An upper GI series is done most often for people who have: A hard time swallowing. A possible blocked intestine … If your stomach can't empty well on its own, you may have a special tube put through your nose and down into your …
Medical tests
… of speeding up (accelerating). This means your baby may have problems with the stress of normal labour. A contraction stress test is usually done if you have an abnormal non-stress test or biophysical profile . A … measure a series of physical traits of your baby. You may have more than one contraction stress test while you are …
Health topics
… that spends regular time together, and that offers a safe haven as they grow. Make sure that your child feels safe . … skills and how to solve problems. They learn that actions have consequences, and that causes have effects. Offer a variety of things to play with, read, …
Health topics
… is a good idea to see your doctor, because fainting could have a serious cause. What causes it? Fainting is caused by … easy to predict. It happens to some people every time they have to get a shot or they see blood. Some people know they are going to faint because they have symptoms beforehand, such as feeling weak, nauseated, …
Health topics
… times with very high blood pressure. "I just was going to have to take some drastic steps," she recalls, "I was … she eats smaller portions. She has found that she doesn't have to have a large serving to feel satisfied. "Just to have a bite …
Health topics
… can be caused by eating contaminated home-canned foods that have a low acid content, such as asparagus, green beans, beets, and corn. But there have been cases of botulism from more unusual sources, such … mouth, and muscle weakness. Infants with botulism appear to have little energy (lethargic), eat poorly, are constipated, …
Health topics
… A pad to protect the bed is also helpful. Make sure you have a place to set the bedpan aside while you help with … If you can, place a bed pad under the bedpan for spills. Have the person you're caring for take down their pants and … 2, Help get the bedpan into position., To position the pan: Have the person sit up or lift up the hips slightly, and …