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6317 results found
Health topics
… condition usually happens within the first 2 weeks after birth. But it may occur up to 3 months after birth. What … you want or can't breastfeed your baby. It may help to talk about your feelings and concerns with a social worker or counsellor. Be sure to ask your baby's doctors about anything you don't understand. How can you prevent it? …
Health topics
… care facilities are taking extra care to practice infection control, which includes frequent handwashing and isolation … with other people's wounds or bandages. Do not share personal items such as towels or razors. Keep your … if someone in the house has a VRE infection. Be smart about using antibiotics. Know that antibiotics can help …
Health topics
… may be causing or adding to the person's distress. Talk about the schedule. Remind the person often about upcoming changes in their regular schedule, such as … may be causing or adding to the person's distress. Talk about the schedule. Remind the person often about upcoming …
Health topics
… Prepare foods the person likes and don't worry too much about how the food is eaten. Offer food more often. This … Prepare foods the person likes and don't worry too much about how the food is eaten. Offer food more often. This …
Health topics
… Overview If you are trying to have a baby, learning more about your fertility and staying healthy can improve your … try to become pregnant or to try to avoid pregnancy. Learn about when you may want to get help from health care … temperature and day of ovulation. Using fertility awareness methods will make you more aware of the natural rhythm of …
Health topics
… may have insulin resistance . This means your body can't control your blood sugar with insulin as well as it should. … may have insulin resistance . This means your body can't control your blood sugar with insulin as well as it should. …
Health topics
… (schizophrenia spectrum disorders), including: Schizotypal personality disorder . A person with schizotypal personality disorder has a difficult time developing close … have unusual behaviours and learning difficulties. Schizoid personality disorder . A person with schizoid personality …
Medical tests
… to share some information with your doctor. You can talk about any concerns you may have. Your doctor will also want to know if you are pregnant or use birth control. And your doctor will want to hear about any …