6319 results found
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses This … or trouble breathing, call 9-1-1 . Otherwise, call a poison control center right away. US residents can call their local …
Health topics
… Your doctor can find out if you have chronic pain by asking about your past illnesses and your overall health. Your … that are tender, weak, or numb. Your doctor may ask you about your pain including: When did your pain start? How … work on reducing stress, and get more exercise. If you can control pain with exercise, massage, and pain relievers, you …
Health topics
… inside your pelvis. There are two types. Both types let you control when you urinate. What To Expect A cystectomy usually requires a hospital stay of about a week. You will probably need 6 to 8 weeks to fully … surgery. You may feel sad or depressed. Or you may worry about how your body will look after surgery. You may worry …
Health topics
… (COPD). If you have asthma, it can be used with daily controller medicines or with quick-relief medicine during an … through the mouthpiece or mask. Hold each breath for about 2 seconds. Keep breathing until the medicine is gone … cup. There will be no more mist coming out. This may take about 10 minutes. After each use, clean the mouthpiece or …
Health topics
… To Expect When you wake up from surgery, your pain will be controlled with intravenous (IV) medicine. You will also … 4 weeks to 4 months. For most people, it's safe to have sex about 4 to 6 weeks after a hip replacement. Talk to your doctor about when it's okay to have sex and what positions are safe …
Health topics
… with: Appetite suppressants. Using these medicines to control your weight for long periods of time can be … is not recommended and can be dangerous. Tell your doctor about any other prescription and over-the-counter medicines, … is not recommended and can be dangerous. Tell your doctor about any other prescription and over-the-counter medicines, …
Health topics
… antifungal pills. A yeast infection usually goes away after about a week of treatment. But it's important to use the … your doctor tells you to. To help keep yeast growth under control, keep your skin clean and dry. Wear loose clothing. … antifungal pills. A yeast infection usually goes away after about a week of treatment. But it's important to use the …
Health topics
… help you: Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. Control your weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. … help you: Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. Control your weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. …
Health topics
… bedside table. Regularly wipe your bed rails, the TV remote control, the phone, your call button, doorknobs, tabletops, … bedside table. Regularly wipe your bed rails, the TV remote control, the phone, your call button, doorknobs, tabletops, …
Health topics
… you need to keep taking the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop taking the medicine. … you need to keep taking the medicine or if you need help to control your symptoms after you stop taking the medicine. …