6319 results found
Medical tests
… or to check the status of chronic kidney disease. PTH controls calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. PTH is … or to check the status of chronic kidney disease. PTH controls calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. PTH is …
Health topics
… and back or jaw pain. How is angina treated? Angina can be controlled with different types of medicine. You may take a … and back or jaw pain. How is angina treated? Angina can be controlled with different types of medicine. You may take a …
HealthLinkBC files
… aches. Listeriosis can also cause miscarriage or stillbirths in pregnant women. People who have symptoms of … safety: Easy ways to make food safer For more information about food safety during pregnancy, visit BC Centre for Disease Control Pregnancy and Food Safety: …
Health topics
… an average workday, however increasing to 10,000 steps (about 5 miles or 8 kilometres) can improve your overall … group with co-workers or friends. And hide the remote control so you'll get up to change the channel on the T.V. …
Health topics
… anxiety disorder occurs when you feel worried and stressed about many everyday events and activities. Often the things you are worried about are small or not important. This type of worry … many things almost every day. You may have a hard time controlling your worry. Symptoms include: Feeling tired or …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning … or trouble breathing, call 9-1-1 . Otherwise, call a poison control center right away. US residents can call their local …
Health topics
… sometimes pain can last for a couple of weeks. It may take about 1 to 2 weeks to fully recover. This treatment should … in the hospital overnight for more observation and pain control. Or you might go home the same day. You may have … may prescribe pain medicine. Or your doctor may talk to you about trying an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as …
Health topics
… Argon laser trabeculoplasty lowers the pressure in the eye about 75% of the time in people who haven't had surgery on … ALT and SLT has shown that SLT lowers pressure in the eye about the same as ALT. People usually need to continue … laser surgery to keep down the pressure in their eyes. Control over the pressure inside the eye may decrease as …
Health topics
… work you do and how you feel. What To Expect Recovery takes about 2 to 3 weeks. You can expect some pain after surgery. … daily bowel habits to avoid constipation and straining. About 5 out of 100 people have hemorrhoids that come back … of blood in the surgical area (hematoma) Not being able to control the bowel or bladder (incontinence) Infection of the …
Health topics
… but may be another shape. Female black widows are usually about 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) long, but they may be smaller. Black … immediately. Call your doctor, hospital, or local poison control centre. Remain calm. Too much excitement or movement … is diagnosed through a physical examination and questions about the bite. You should be prepared to describe the …