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6319 results found
Health topics
… skills to help you eat better and save money. Find out about meal planning, food budgeting, local food programs, … with special dietary needs. Meal planning Find information about meal planning and tips for grocery shopping: Meal … Healthy Choices When You Shop Meals and snacks ideas Learn about making healthy meals and snacks: Healthy snacks for …
Health topics
… Your world view Your world view is your basic beliefs about human nature, how the world works, and what life is about. It can cause stress when a long-held belief is … help you identify sources of stress that you hadn't thought about before. And it can help with long-term stress issues …
Health topics
… physical wellbeing will help you and your baby. Learn more about your health during pregnancy in this section. Finding out you're pregnant There is a lot to learn about pregnancy. You don't have to know everything right away. You will learn about each stage as your pregnancy goes on.  Pregnancy …
Health topics
… care workers. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about the traumatic event. You'll also be asked about your symptoms, how long you've had them, and how they … disorder, you may: Have disturbing memories and dreams about the traumatic event. You may feel like you're reliving …
Health topics
… have a wearing effect on both the mind and the body. Think about getting treatment at a pain management clinic . You … Before having an invasive pain treatment, ask your doctor about his or her experience with that treatment. Also, ask about research that shows how well it works for your …
Health topics
… People around you may not notice anything different about your behaviour. You might do the things you normally … doing them. Many people who have blackouts aren't worried about them. They might remember feeling good but be unable … drive or operate any kind of machinery. Talk to your doctor about your blackouts. You might need to be tested for other …
Health topics
… your child build an emotional vocabulary. Teach your child about different emotions. This can help them become more … upset, acknowledge their feelings. Encourage them to talk about what is upsetting them. Allowing your child to talk about emotions can help them understand what they're …
Health topics
… in for an appointment. What questions or concerns do I have about my child that I want addressed during this … activity Do I need any written information or instructions about my child's care, such as growth and development … or bring the medicines with you to the appointment. Ask about normal growth and development milestones to look for …
Health topics
… massage. To make an ice cup, fill a small paper or foam cup about two-thirds full, and freeze it until it is solid. To use the ice cup, peel off the top of the cup so about 1.5 cm (0.5 in.) of ice is showing. The remaining part … touching your skin, peel more of the cup off. Continue for about 7 to 10 minutes. The area will feel cold at first, …
Health topics
… are problems their doctor or rehab team needs to know about while treating their heart disease. Your emotional … physical health. So your doctor and rehab team need to hear about all of your symptoms. The sooner you and your doctor have talked about your symptoms and your options for treatment, the …