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… studied in pregnant women. That's because researchers worry about how the medicines might affect the baby. But some … Some medicines are known to increase the chance of birth defects or other problems. But sometimes there's more … if the mother stops taking a medicine (such as one that controls seizures) than if the mother keeps taking it. You …
Health topics
… and sleep-disordered breathing. Certain medicines, such as birth control pills, amphetamines, some antidepressants, steroids, … a healthy weight. Try to limit how much sodium you eat to about 2,000 milligrams (mg) a day. Buy foods that are …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … This medication may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control such as pills, patch, or ring. This could cause …
Health topics
… worse. An exposure history, which is a set of questions about your home, workplace, habits, jobs, lifestyle, and … you avoid second-hand smoke. You are more likely to give birth to a baby who weighs less than expected (low birth … are caused by allergens in your home. Take steps to help control viruses on household surfaces and in the air. Clean …
Health topics
… cycles. You are in your mid-30s or older, have not used birth control for 6 months, and have not been able to become … keep track of the frequency of sexual intercourse and talk about this with your doctor. Before you have infertility …
Health topics
… How is the flu diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. This usually gives the … changes (called antigenic shifts) in the virus and occur about every 10 years. People who get the flu tend to become … influenza A or B virus. Shorten the length of the illness. Control outbreaks of the flu in nursing homes. Reduce the …
… is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that … certain spinal problem (kyphoscoliosis) gallbladder disease personal or family history of a substance use disorder (such … This medication may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control such as pills, patch, or ring. This could …
HealthLinkBC files
… to manage their disease. This includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person … HIV can pass the virus to their baby during pregnancy, childbirth or while breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of … or during your pregnancy, or if you have any questions about HIV testing or ways to reduce your risk of getting HIV …
Health topics
… Last updated December 3, 2024 Overview The idea of giving birth can be overwhelming, especially if it's your first … that can help you plan and start practicing for labour and birth. Medical pain relief options Each woman experiences … during labour and delivery can be worrisome. Find out more about medical interventions during birth: Epistiotomy vacuum …
Health topics
… chance there is of a cure. Cancer stages There are several methods of cancer staging. Doctors may use this simple … Doctors often need more details as they make decisions about treatment, so they may use the TNM method. The TNM … Doctors often need more details as they make decisions about treatment, so they may use the TNM method. The TNM …