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3215 results found
Health topics
… This is because if the heartbeat isn't strong and steady, blood can collect, or pool, in the atria. And pooled blood is more likely to form clots. Clots can travel to the brain, block blood flow, and cause a stroke. Atrial fibrillation can also …
Medical tests
… develop ulcers. Four tests are used to detect H. pylori : Blood antibody test. A blood test checks to see whether your body has made … bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means you either are currently infected or have …
Health topics
… be an important tool in preventing problems like very low blood sugar. But using an insulin pump takes some getting … They can save both your insulin-dose information and your blood sugar levels over several days. How to live with an … another. A number of companies make infusion sets. Avoiding blood sugar problems Here are some ways to avoid or manage …
Medical tests
… ("tox screen") checks for drugs or other chemicals in your blood, urine, or saliva. Drugs can be swallowed, inhaled, … heroin. Testing is often done on urine or saliva instead of blood. Many drugs will show up in a urine or saliva sample. … And urine and saliva tests are usually easier to do than blood tests. Why It Is Done Why are toxicology tests done? …
Health topics
… or an anal fissure can cause a small amount of bright red blood. You may see the bright blood on the surface of the stool or on the toilet paper. … during a bowel movement. It doesn't make the toilet water bloody. It isn't serious if there is only a small amount of …
Health topics
… now No Coughing or wheezing now Are you coughing up blood? This means blood that is coming up from your chest or throat. Blood that is draining down from your nose into your throat …
Health topics
… in your legs. Normally, one-way valves in your veins keep blood flowing from your legs up toward your heart. When these valves don't work as they should, blood collects in your legs, and pressure builds up. The … the symptoms? Varicose veins look like swollen and twisted blood vessels under the skin. They may not cause any …
Health topics
… physical examination may include: Checking your weight and blood pressure. A pelvic examination . A Pap test (if you … If not treated, a UTI may lead to a kidney infection. Blood tests You may have blood tests to check for: Blood type . If your blood is …
Health topics
… from working as it should. That can cause problems with blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding and bruising. … amounts of sugar (glucose), protein, and fat entering the bloodstream. Removing bilirubin, ammonia, and other toxins from the blood. Bilirubin is a by-product of the breakdown of …
Medical tests
… the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a sample of blood or urine. LH is produced by the pituitary gland . LH … you take, including natural health products. How It Is Done Blood test A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from an arm. The blood sample is then …