3215 results found
Medical tests
… of the heartbeat can also be noted, as well as whether the blood vessel feels hard or soft. Changes in your heart rate or rhythm, a weak pulse, or a hard blood vessel may be caused by heart disease or another problem. As your heart pumps blood through your body, you can feel a pulsing in some of …
Health topics
… E. coli , and most of them are harmless. But some can cause bloody diarrhea. Some strains of E. coli may also cause … movement. What are the symptoms? You may have symptoms like bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. … some people, the infection causes serious problems with the blood and kidneys. These people may need blood transfusions …
Health topics
… arterial disease of the legs. In Leriche's syndrome, blood flow in the aorta is blocked in the stomach area. This blocks blood flow to the legs. In men, blood flow to the penis is also blocked. The following …
Health topics
… from rejecting the new organ. You'll have checkups and blood tests to see how well the organ is working. You may … you are interested in donating an organ, go to the Canadian Blood Services Organs and Tissues for Life web page … candidates include: A cross-match for transplant. This blood test shows whether your body will immediately reject …
Health topics
… of the eye that's usually white? This does not include a blood spot on the eye. Yes Redness in part of eye that's … No Redness in part of eye that's usually white Is there any blood in the eye? This includes blood spots on the surface of the eye. Yes Blood spot or …
Health topics
… is a low number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are the cells that help blood clot. If you don't have enough of them, your blood can't clot well. That means it's harder to stop …
Health topics
… up after 1 or 2 days. A few specks or a small amount of blood on the white part of the eye often appear after a blow … all directions. Pain with eye movements. A large amount of blood in the white part (sclera) of the eye. Any blood over the coloured part (iris) of the eye. A change in …
Health topics
… A hepatitis panel is a blood test used to find markers of hepatitis infection. … jaundice ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very tired. This blood test also may be done if you were recently exposed to … is listed in your test results, this means that the blood test was repeated to confirm a positive result on your …
Health topics
… Cyanotic heart defects are defects that allow oxygen-rich blood and oxygen-poor blood to mix. In cyanotic heart defects, less oxygen-rich blood reaches the tissues of the body. This results in the …
Health topics
… history of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or gallstones. Sleeping problems your child … and look for early signs of problems, including: High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Type 2 diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Your child also may have blood tests to …