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Health topics
… 37°C (98.6°F) . It usually rises during the day from a low of 36.3°C (97.4°F) in the morning to a high of 37.6°C … or purple spots or bruising Does your child seem to be in pain? Yes Appears to be in pain No Appears to be in pain How … at any age. The epiglottis is a flap of tissue at the back of the throat that you can't see when you look in the …
Health topics
… may freeze in an abnormal position. This can be very painful. How is spasticity treated? The main treatments for spasticity are physiotherapy and medicines that help reduce muscle spasms. Surgery may be an option in severe cases. Physiotherapy Exercise and stretching are important …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … your pelvic muscles stronger. And you can try pelvic floor physiotherapy. If you choose, your doctor can fit you with a … the wall of the vagina to keep the prolapse from coming back. During restorative surgery for vaginal vault prolapse, …
Health topics
… good exercise for many people who have osteoarthritis , back pain, or fibromyalgia . It's often used to help people … replacement. Water exercise is often done as part of a physiotherapy program. Or you may find a program in a gym or … done water exercise before. Create more resistance. Start slowly, and gradually increase intensity. Walk in the water …
Health topics
… diagnose scoliosis by checking to see if your child's back or ribs are even. If the doctor finds that one side is … Mild cases of scoliosis usually don't need treatment. Physiotherapy may be an option. If the curve gets worse, … program suggest that your child may have a spinal curve, follow up with your doctor. Most curves that are found through …
Health topics
… many years. Post-polio syndrome usually progresses very slowly. Only people who have had polio can get post-polio … the muscles weak. If you had polio, you may have gained back the use of your muscles. But the nerves that connect to … Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Respiratory Problems, Age 12 and Older Sleep …
Health topics
… or severe pain. Pain may spread to the shoulders, upper back, or arms. Or it may cause a headache. Neck movement may … while you work, watch TV, or read. Sleeping on a pillow that's too high or too flat or that doesn't support your … for a neck problem or injury may include first aid, physiotherapy, manipulative therapy (such as chiropractic or …
Health topics
… You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front pelvic bone, just above your genital area. Your … During pregnancy and after childbirth, you might try lying back on your elbows and squeezing a pillow between your … and symptoms may last for months. Treatment may include physiotherapy, ice, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory …
Health topics
… Health Tools Planning for Birth Signs of Labour Managing Pain Types of Delivery Stages of Labour Labour Positions … an epidural injection, which partially or fully numbs the lower body. Even if you plan to not use pain medicine … in the groin or rectum or an ongoing ache low in your back. Your amniotic sac may break ( rupture of the membranes …
Health topics
… a specific injury, especially if your symptoms began slowly or during everyday activities. Overuse injuries occur … a brace, cast, harness, or traction. It may also include physiotherapy and medicines. In some cases, surgery is … injured. Put a pillow between your knees. Or sleep on your back with pillows under your knees. Don't use aspirin for …