4366 results found
Health topics
… (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can help you lower your blood pressure. It includes eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy foods. For more information on the … in animal meat, dairy products, and processed foods. Cut back on sodium There is a link between eating sodium and …
Health topics
… or mucus (sputum). The mucus may have drained down the back of the throat from the nose or sinuses. Or it may have … or hours)? Breathing problems are quickly worsening Slowly getting worse (over days)? Breathing problems are … serious illness No Symptoms of serious illness Do you have pain in your ribs or the muscles of your chest? This type of …
Health topics
… are treated early, the damage may be stopped, slowed, or possibly reversed. Health Tools Health Tools help … activities. Rapid, deep breathing. Loss of appetite, belly pain, and vomiting. Confusion. Learn more Diabetes: Dealing … Complete eye examination. This checks for damage to the back of the eye (diabetic retinopathy). Thyroid-stimulating …
Health topics
… cheilitis ). These can be caused by infection, a diet too low in vitamins, and over-closure of the mouth in someone … Yes Toothache or gum problem No Toothache or gum problem Is pain or soreness in the back of your mouth and throat your main concern? Yes Pain or …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … taking MS medicines. Instead of medicines, you can try physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and steroid shots to … don't work for everyone. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "How well do medicines work for MS?" Medicines …
Health topics
… palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of the spinal cord. The surgeon then finds and … muscle tightness in the legs. What To Expect After surgery, physiotherapy is needed. Also, orthopedic surgery and casts … still be needed. Nerves that are cut during SDR do not grow back together. Sometimes not all nerves are cut, and other …
Health topics
… since his college days, Steve decided it was time to get back in shape and back into the game. Squash (an indoor racquet sport) and … did for a while—until arthritis turned his enjoyment into pain. First signs of pain Steve first thought something …
Health topics
… of your hip. Or they may be on the side or toward the back (posterior). Your doctor will talk with you about which … the toilet, and bathe. As soon as possible, you'll start physiotherapy. You'll learn exercises to help you get … through the side or back or your hip, you'll need to follow "hip precautions" until your hip is fully healed. Most …
Health topics
… Flat head syndrome means that a baby's head is flat in the back or on one side. Most often, it's from lying on the back … doctors began advising that babies sleep on their back to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) . Lots … is flat head syndrome treated? Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to treat flat head syndrome. This is …
Medical tests
… professional. When you are finished, you give the cup back. How long the test takes The test will take just a few … quick sting or pinch. Urine test In most cases, there is no pain with collecting a urine sample. Risks Blood test There … of the stomach, pancreas , large intestine, liver, or lung. Low values If you are pregnant, a low level of hCG can mean …