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Health topics
… may seem worse in certain situations or during times when your child experiences strong emotions. Common triggers … child angry or frustrated. Or your child may get flustered when eager for a fun event, such as a birthday party or … holiday. Your child's tics may decrease or be less severe when your child: Gets enough sleep. Becomes involved in new …
Health topics
… Your treatment goals. A list of your asthma medicines and when to take them. How to treat symptoms before you have an … or your peak flow, or both. It tells you what to do when you're in each zone. Asthma zones are part of your … zone. Green means good. This zone is where you want to be. When you're in the green zone, one or more of these things …
Health topics
… you. If you eat for emotional reasons, you may not notice when your body is hungry or full. You may eat more than you … signs of emotional eating are: Changing your eating habits when you have more stress in your life. Eating when you aren't hungry or when you're full. Eating to avoid …
Health topics
…               Yesterday, did you: Take any naps? How long? When?               Yesterday, did you: Drink alcohol? How …           Yesterday, did you: Have any caffeine? How much? When?               Yesterday, did you: Do any physical activity? What? When?               Yesterday, did you: Eat big or spicy …
Health topics
… activities. Alcohol or other drugs may come up naturally when sharing something you heard on the news, or when swapping stories about what happened at school or work. Also look for openings when watching TV or a movie together. A character’s action …
Health topics
… What you eat and drink. What type of exercise you do and when you do it. The overall state of your health. What the … headaches, such as strong feelings or stressful events. When you get a headache and how bad it is. What medicine you take when you get a headache, and how well it works. Over time, …
Health topics
… flow from your upper heart chamber to your lower chamber. When you have mitral valve prolapse (MVP), the valve closes … the heart. This valve has two leaflets, or flaps, that open when the heart relaxes and close when it contracts. The base of each leaflet is attached to …
Health topics
… or both shoulders or arms. What causes it? Angina happens when the heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen. This most … arteries (atherosclerosis). The narrowing can also happen when a coronary artery suddenly contracts (spasms). If you have stable angina , you can usually predict when your symptoms will happen. For example, symptoms may …
Health topics
… can shape the food choices you make. Choosing healthy foods When you choose healthy foods regularly, you can start to … Protein foods include things like eggs, lower-fat dairy products, lean meats and poultry, seafood, nuts and seeds, beans, peas, lentils, and soy products. Choose the types that come from plants more often …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When your child is not feeling well, he or she may not want … Not drinking enough fluid can cause constipation. When the weather gets hot or when your child is getting more exercise, he or she needs …