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Health topics
… Overview Overview It's important to take care of your body when you are pregnant. This includes your teeth and gums. A … blood flow to the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums when you are pregnant. This may cause bleeding in your gums, especially when you brush your teeth. Your gums may be more swollen and …
HealthLinkBC files
… the toilet, or to become independent in toileting. Start when your child shows you they are ready. Make toilet … that every child is different and will use the toilet when they are ready. Some forms of toilet learning are … Toilet learning is the child learning to: Recognize when they are about to urinate or have a bowel movement …
Health topics
… cleaning action that helps reduce or get rid of bad breath. When you have less saliva, bacteria can grow, causing bad … Healthy lifestyle Don't smoke or use other tobacco products, such as snuff or chewing (spit) tobacco. Avoid foods … Healthy lifestyle Don't smoke or use other tobacco products, such as snuff or chewing (spit) tobacco. Avoid foods …
Health topics
… wrong meal while in the hospital, such as a regular meal when you need a salt-free meal. Getting the wrong medicine … and over-the-counter medicines as well as natural health products such as supplements, vitamins, and herbs. You can give … Or you can put all your medicines and natural health products in a bag and take them with you when you see your …
Health topics
… they can become dehydrated very quickly. Dehydration occurs when the body loses water more quickly than it is replaced. When your child becomes dehydrated, severe health problems … is sick and for a few days after they feel better. That's when the virus most likely can be spread to others. The …
Health topics
… Your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heartbeat. When you have a heart murmur, your doctor can hear an extra … heart murmurs. There is nothing wrong with your heart when you have an innocent murmur. They usually go away as … Adults can have innocent murmurs too. Murmurs also happen when your blood flows harder and faster than usual—during …
Health topics
… Attack On this page: Overview Overview When asthma symptoms suddenly occur, it's called an asthma … fever) or occur during any season. What are the symptoms? When you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is … complain of a stomach ache. You may make whistling noises when you breathe (wheezing). You may cough. Asthma symptoms …
Medical tests
… can cause blood to clump in blood vessels under the skin when the skin is exposed to the cold. This causes pale skin … and numbness in the hands and feet. The symptoms go away when the skin warms up. In some cases, the clumped blood … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Health topics
… An inguinal hernia (say "IN-gwuh-nul HER-nee-uh") happens when tissue bulges through a weak spot in your groin area. When you have an inguinal hernia, you may see or feel a … (say "FEH-muh-rull HER-nee-uh") is a problem that occurs when tissue in the abdomen bulges through a weak part in the …
Health topics
… types of hair loss . It is often categorized according to when it takes place during the hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is when your hair grows—your hair follicle forms a new hair … hair falls out. Losing up to 100 hairs a day is normal. When a hair falls out, a new hair is grown in the same hair …