6347 results found
Health topics
… many reasons older people fall. They may lose their footing when stepping off a street curb. Or they may fall after … or use remote switches (such as switches that go on or off when you clap your hands) to make it easier to turn lights … shoes on smooth floors, such as wood. Walk on the grass when the sidewalks are slippery. If you live in an area that …
Health topics
… hearing loss. Does your baby: Listen to speech? Turn to you when you speak? Smile when spoken to? Seem to recognize your voice? Quiet their crying when you speak? Startle or cry at noises? Awaken to loud …
Medical tests
… (EMG) measures the electrical activity of muscles when they're at rest and when they're being used. Nerve … Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems … Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems …
Health topics
… There's a lot to know about taking good care of yourself. When do you see a doctor, and when is it a waste of time? … Endurance Training Mononucleosis (Mono) Non-Prescription Products for Weight Loss Nutrition and Physical Activity Pelvic … Endurance Training Mononucleosis (Mono) Non-Prescription Products for Weight Loss Nutrition and Physical Activity Pelvic …
Health topics
… normal precautions. Drink plenty of water. You lose fluid when you are active. If you lose too much, it can result in … that may help prevent dehydration. Don't exercise as hard when it's hot. Take rest breaks. Exercise more slowly than usual or for a shorter time. Stay in the shade when you can. Wear light-coloured, breathable clothes. …
Health topics
… cycle. The choice of medicine may depend on the time of day when your headaches tend to occur. Some people may need a … medicine. You can keep track by using a headache diary. When a cluster headache occurs, it is important to treat it … in more than 7 out of 10 people who use it. It works best when started right when a cluster headache starts. footnote …
Health topics
… page: Getting Started Getting Started Do you often say yes when you'd rather say no? Maybe you agree to something … thoughtful answer that feels good to you. Be calm and firm when giving your no. If you have big feelings, take a moment … it out through your mouth. You can do this a few times. When you feel calmer, give your answer. Be clear with your …
Health topics
… out of nowhere. Her first bout with severe depression came when she was living in Alberta and had taken a year off from … sunlight in winter. Exercise is her medicine now. "I know when I'm really stressed and really frazzled, that if I put … I'd be alive if I hadn't made that choice," she says. "When you're fully enmeshed in [severe] depression, all the …
Health topics
… hands, arms, and legs can't get caught in any moving parts when the chair or tray position is being changed. Make sure … Booster seats Booster seats Booster seats are useful when a child grows out of a high chair but is still too … not recommended. They can fall under your baby's weight or when she moves. However, you may have to use a hook-on chair …
Health topics
… see inside your colon during the test. Before you schedule When you make your appointment for the colonoscopy, mention … want to know about all the medicines and natural health products you take. It's a good idea to have a list of all your … want to know about all the medicines and natural health products you take. It's a good idea to have a list of all your …