6347 results found
Health topics
… children. Make sure a trusted adult is always close by when children are playing Continue to breastfeed Praise your toddler's new skills and when she does something without help Accept your toddler's … and using words instead of fighting Explain his feelings when asked about them Understand the feelings of other …
Health topics
… be good or bad for your back. Some back problems cause pain when you bend forward. Others cause problems when you arch your back. Just remember that doctors hear … Many people use yoga to gently stretch their muscles. When you're ready to have sex, keep your movements slow and …
Health topics
… is extremely important to prevent the person from driving when it is no longer safe. Experts recommend people not drive if they have moderate Alzheimer's disease—when memory loss is noticeable and complex activities are … changes in the person's ability to drive by riding along when the person is driving. Some people who have very mild …
Medical tests
… release of urine ( urinary incontinence ) that may occur when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise. A Bonney test is … through the urethra . A slight burning sensation may occur when the catheter is inserted. If your bladder is already … stress test may be done as part of a physical examination when: You have involuntary release of urine when you sneeze, …
HealthLinkBC files
… it spread? TB spreads from person to person through the air when someone who is sick with TB in the lungs coughs, … between TB infection and TB disease? Infection occurs when you breathe TB bacteria into your lungs and your body's … This is also called “sleeping TB”. TB disease occurs when you breathe TB bacteria into your lungs and the …
Health topics
… Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview A root canal is done when decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. … tooth feels better. Why It Is Done A root canal is needed when tooth decay is likely to cause permanent damage to the … It can work well to treat or prevent an infection. Risks When someone has an infected tooth, bacteria from the mouth …
Health topics
… always use a car seat, and watch your child closely when he or she interacts with pets. Practice healthy habits. … and closely supervising your child. Check that all the products your baby uses meet current standards. Visit … can cause strangulation and suffocation. Identify any products that could harm your child when eaten or inhaled. Warn …
Health topics
… without treatment. What causes it? Stuttering happens when the brain isn't able to send and receive messages in … related. You may notice that your child stutters more when he or she is excited, anxious, stressed, or tired. … child at home by using proper eye contact and body language when your child is trying to talk to you. Speech therapy is …
HealthLinkBC files
… caused by a germ (bacteria) that spreads through the air when a person with untreated TB disease of the lungs, … (TB) . What is home isolation? Home isolation is when a person must stay at home because they have a … nose and mouth if you must go to medical appointments and when health care providers come to your home Cover your …
Health topics
… condition that affects males. Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a boy is born with one or more extra X chromosomes . … of an extra X chromosome in males most often occurs when the genetic material in the egg splits unevenly. But it can also occur when the genetic material in the sperm splits unevenly. Even …