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Health topics
… along the shaft of the penis that is most noticeable when the penis is soft (flaccid). A bent or curved appearance of the penis that is most noticeable when the penis is erect. A painful erection. Some men do not have pain with an erection but have tenderness when the lump along the side of the penis is touched. An …
Health topics
… Basics What is altitude sickness? Altitude sickness occurs when you cannot get enough oxygen from the air at high … of appetite, and trouble sleeping. It happens most often when people who are not used to high altitudes go quickly … m (8000 ft) or higher. For example, you may get a headache when you drive over a high mountain pass, hike to a high …
Health topics
… you peace of mind. This is true for everyday care and for when your symptoms get worse. When your symptoms suddenly get much worse, it's called a … that your family, friends, and caregivers know what to do when your symptoms get worse. If you can't care for yourself …
Health topics
… Pain Sometimes Patty doesn't know whether to laugh or cry when one of her three kids runs at her for a flying hug. She … exercises for her back. And she now sits next to her kids when they want a hug. But she also works at thinking in a positive way. "I used to feel so discouraged whenever my back would hurt again," Patty says. "I would …
Health topics
… monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide poisoning happens when you breathe too much carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide … wood, or charcoal. What makes this gas so dangerous is that when you breathe it, it replaces the oxygen in your blood . … and dryers. Usually they cause no problems. Trouble comes when: Cars, trucks, or other engines are left running in …
Health topics
… by a doctor would help you get the best advice on when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to … and paper ready to take notes Ensure your device is charged When you receive the phone call from the doctor for your … personal information remains in Canada. Physician by video When speaking with a physician, you or the physician may …
Health topics
… is amblyopia? Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to … usually can reverse amblyopia. The younger your child is when treatment starts, the more likely your child is to have … use of one or both eyes can cause amblyopia. It may happen when: The eyes do not focus on the same object. This is …
Health topics
… university. In November 2006, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a … that hard. Now, he says, "I don't even like it anymore." When Jeremy does go out to eat, he tries to pick menu items … plan in mind. "It's a lot easier to make healthy choices when you're just planning ahead for it." Healthy cooking …
Health topics
… a simple thing, such as stacking blocks or getting excited when you talk about going to the store. Start to understand … permanence—that people and objects still exist even when they are out of sight. For example, if your child … anxiety. This means that they feel uneasy and anxious when a parent or another caregiver leaves. Language …
Health topics
… your doctor about ways to help you cope with your emotions when the crying just does not stop. Then you can be with … is normal for some babies. Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries more than expected: more than 3 … week for at least 3 weeks in a row. Colic is usually worst when babies are around 6 to 8 weeks of age and goes away on …