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Health topics
… should include: Crying and fussing periods. Who was present when the baby was crying? What comfort measures were used? Was the baby being held when the crying began? Sleeping periods. Was the baby … moderate, or large), and odour of the baby's urine? Weight. When during the day was the baby weighed? Did the baby have …
Health topics
… exercises for the ankle . Typically you can start them when you are able to stand without increased pain or … You can usually start balance and control exercises when you are able to stand without pain. But talk to your … think you would have felt unsteady doing these exercises when your ankle was healthy, you are at risk of falling when
Health topics
… problem is real. Doctors or nurses may suspect a problem when: A child has a repeated or unusual illness, and no … even with treatments that should help. Symptoms only occur when the caregiver is with or has recently been with the child. But symptoms get better or go away when the caregiver is not there or is being closely watched. …
HealthLinkBC files
… called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, which occurs when a baby dies suddenly while sleeping without a clear … infant death is accidental. These deaths are usually caused when a baby is accidentally smothered by items in the bed, … tummy while sleeping, gently place them on their back. When your baby can roll over easily on their own from back …
Health topics
… are genuinely interested in hearing about his or her life. When people start talking about their past, they often … to share a story. You can say, "Tell me what it was like when you went to high school (first got married, started … if the person has described a snowstorm that occurred when he or she was 10 years old, you might ask, "Were you …
Health topics
… third trimesters of your pregnancy, you may notice times when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch and … They do not become more regular or stronger. Go away when you're active. (True labour pains may continue or increase during activity.) Are more noticeable when you rest. True labour pains tend to last longer, become …
Health topics
… your risk for hardening of your arteries (atherosclerosis). When blood vessels that supply the brain and heart are blocked, a stroke or heart attack may occur. When the large blood vessels in the legs are affected, … you have diabetic kidney disease , even in the early stages when your kidney is losing small amounts of protein. …
Health topics
… take another one to feel better. You take natural health products without talking to your doctor or pharmacist first. … name of each medicine, the dose, how often you take it and when, and any special instructions (such as whether you take … you should not take. This includes natural health products. "The medicine costs too much." "My health plan …
Health topics
… and frustrating at times. Most parents have periods when they feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and extremely … emotions and prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed when everyday pressures mount. The following strategies can … the demands of child care. Take short relaxation breaks when you can. For example, listen to your favourite music, …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When you test your blood sugar, you learn your blood sugar … patterns of your glucose levels. You note on the receiver when you eat, do exercise, and take insulin. That way you … range. This is helpful for people who have problems knowing when they have low blood sugar ( hypoglycemic unawareness ). …