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Health topics
… therapy to treat prostate cancer can be done in two ways. When it's given from a machine outside the body, it's called external beam radiation, or EBRT. When radiation is placed inside the body, it's called … feel sunburned. Urinary problems. These may include pain when you urinate, urinating often, a strong urge to urinate, …
Health topics
… according to the kind of allergens a person reacted to and when the reactions occurred. Seasonal allergic rhinitis … weeds, so the symptoms of a seasonal allergy usually occur when certain plants are in bloom. (Some types of mould also … of a year-round allergy may be more severe in winter, when people spend more time indoors. The most common causes …
Health topics
… it easier for you to breathe and may help you live longer. When your body has more oxygen, your body systems can work … For some people with COPD, blood oxygen levels drop only when they exercise or are very active. Using oxygen during … oxygen levels in your blood, you may need oxygen when you fly. Travelling with oxygen usually is possible. …
Health topics
… (tubal pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy) occurs when a fertilized egg attaches (implants) to an area outside … These organs can't hold the growing baby. Pain develops when the baby grows and the organ is not able to stretch … lower belly pain caused by ectopic pregnancy may get worse when you move or strain. The pain may occur sharply on one …
Health topics
… to keep it working properly and to control your diabetes. When you use a pump, you will need to check your blood sugar … the day and night to help control your blood sugar. When you need extra insulin to cover a meal or to correct … the pump from the catheter site for brief periods when you want to go swimming or take a shower. Some pumps …
Health topics
… headache." Jerry usually takes acetaminophen or ibuprofen when he gets a tension headache. "They work pretty well to … learned how to reduce muscle tension. He tenses his muscles when he breathes in and then relaxes them when he breathes out. He focuses on all the muscle groups in …
Health topics
… it harder to breathe, and the baby may get less oxygen. But when asthma is well controlled, there are few risks to the pregnancy. Most asthma treatments are safe to use when you're pregnant. Talk to your doctor about the safest … , you may keep getting them. But starting allergy shots when you're pregnant isn't recommended. Talk to your doctor …
Health topics
… your baby might have hearing loss. Does your baby: Listen when spoken to? Turn or look up when you call their name? Respond to requests like "come … your baby might have hearing loss. Does your baby: Listen when spoken to? Turn or look up when you call their name? …
Health topics
… compared to the sound of a barking seal. You'll know it when you hear it. A raspy, hoarse voice. A harsh, crowing noise when breathing in. Sometimes children breathe fast and need … the symptoms. The illness usually improves in 2 to 5 days. When home treatment isn't enough, medicines such as …
Health topics
… Overview Lung function means how well your lungs work. When you have COPD, your lungs can't move as much air in and … lung function. They measure how much air you breathe out when you take long, deep breaths and push the air out of … COPD mean? Your FEV1 and FVC numbers are lower than normal when you have COPD, and they get lower as the disease gets …