6347 results found
Health topics
… as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in the belly become swollen or inflamed. These glands are called lymph nodes. When they are inflamed, it's called mesenteric adenitis. … as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in the belly become swollen or inflamed. …
Health topics
… may occur anywhere in the digestive tract and may occur when: A crater-shaped sore (ulcer) erodes through the wall … an infection (peritonitis). Emergency surgery is needed when a perforation has occurred. Current as of: … may occur anywhere in the digestive tract and may occur when: A crater-shaped sore (ulcer) erodes through the wall …
Health topics
… Works within 20 - 30 minutes and lasts two to four hours when given IM. Works within two to three minutes and lasts one to two hours when given by IV. Time frames may vary depending on the … May cause nausea and vomiting after surgery. Benefits Used when an epidural or spinal is not possible or safe. Used …
Health topics
… the day. Use good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have back pain. Keep your back in the neutral position—not too curved and not too flat. When you must stay in one position for long periods of time, … to stretch and restore the neutral position of your back. When lifting, lift with your legs, not your back. See a …
Health topics
… to use after the bath to avoid dropping a slippery baby When washing, think cleanest to dirtiest. Wash the eyes and … remember the skin folds. Your baby will cool down quickly when wet. Have clothes ready to dress your baby. Bathe with … in a bathtub while the other passes the baby in for a bath. When the bath is finished, the baby can be passed to the …
Health topics
… walk as much. You may avoid going up and down stairs. But when you don't move that knee as much, the ligaments, … out of the joint space, which helps your knee stay healthy. When you don't move as much, you lose some of that natural … of bed. Physiotherapists provide treatments you may need when knee pain makes it hard to move around and do everyday …
Medical tests
… body uses energy and other substances through the blood. When prealbumin levels are lower than normal, it may be a … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … is very little chance of having a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form at the …
Health topics
… a baby's stomach that causes forceful vomiting. It happens when the baby's pylorus , which connects the stomach and the … Become dehydrated . Be sleepier than normal and very fussy when awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a … she is in the hospital may help you feel more comfortable when you take your baby home. Talk with the doctor about how …
Health topics
… making you sad?" Move your toddler to a quieter place when she is having difficulty coping with emotions Encourage … made Tommy feel sad" Let your toddler know ahead of time when you will be interrupting play: "In five minutes it will … shy around strangers Pull hair, hit or bite other children when upset Willingly help put things away Accept new people, …
Medical tests
… in other body tissues, their levels in the blood may rise when those other tissues are damaged. Cardiac enzyme studies … repeated over several hours for comparison. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … is very little chance of having a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form at the …