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6347 results found
Health topics
… tubes. People with asthma who have heartburn —after meals, when they bend over, or when they lie down—may need to be treated for GERD. If you … tubes. People with asthma who have heartburn —after meals, when they bend over, or when they lie down—may need to be …
Health topics
… of the neck do not fade. Salmon patches are more noticeable when a baby is crying or when he or she is hot or cold. Congenital moles (nevi) are … during adulthood. Port-wine stains may become more obvious when the body's hormones are changing, such as during …
Health topics
… with balance. You can start by holding on with both hands. When that gets easy, hold on with just one hand. Then hold … either hand. But it is important that you only try this when you feel that the way you are doing it now has become … as long as you can, working up to 60 seconds on each leg. When you can do this for 60 seconds, try the next exercise. …
Medical tests
… 20 weeks of pregnancy. Internal monitoring is used only when you are in labour and your amniotic sac has broken. If … during external monitoring. You may have some discomfort when the internal monitor is put into your uterus. Risks … 1 There is a slight risk of infection for your baby when internal monitoring is done. Results The results are …
Health topics
… for people who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when your thyroid gland suddenly releases large amounts of … medical treatment. Thyroid storm is more likely to develop when a person has a serious health problem in addition to … for people who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when your thyroid gland suddenly releases large amounts of …
Health topics
… removed. Why It Is Done Laser surgery may be considered when: Medicine has failed, and it is necessary to remove the … to be treated during pregnancy. Your doctor will recommend when treatment should be done during pregnancy. How Well It … removed. Why It Is Done Laser surgery may be considered when: Medicine has failed, and it is necessary to remove the …
Health topics
… dirty toys in a bin that is out of your child's reach. When a toy gets dirty, such as after a child has played with … surfaces and objects. You can find a wide variety of products with varying ingredients. Be sure to follow the … surfaces and objects. You can find a wide variety of products with varying ingredients. Be sure to follow the …
Health topics
… red, green, or blue or a mix of these colours. It happens when there's a problem with some of the cells found in the … senses either red, green, or blue light. You see colour when your cone cells sense different amounts of these three … part of the retina . Inherited colour blindness happens when you don't have one of these types of cone cells or they …
Health topics
… types of adult underwear. A washable type may be useful when a loved one has trouble using the disposable type. When putting on adult underwear, make sure the tabs are in … Let them do as much as they can on their own. But give help when needed. Leave the underwear off and let the area dry …
Health topics
… doctor to do everything possible to keep you alive, even when your chance for recovery is small. Or you may choose … the side effects of treatment. But there may come a time when you decide that hospice palliative care is more … and friends understand your goals and respect your wishes. When you, your loved ones, or your doctors feel that you …