6349 results found
Health topics
… Vaginal closure surgery (vaginal obliteration) is done when the uterus has moved from its natural position to press … obliteration is a fairly brief surgery. So it may be done when you have one or more severe long-term (chronic) medical … Vaginal closure surgery (vaginal obliteration) is done when the uterus has moved from its natural position to press …
Health topics
… spend on them in the future. What should you keep in mind? When computing future costs, this calculator does not take … over a period of time. But smoking costs even more when you consider the cost from illnesses caused by smoking, … spend on them in the future. What should you keep in mind? When computing future costs, this calculator does not take …
Health topics
… appears reddened and does not blanch (lose colour briefly when you press your finger on it then remove your finger). … a deep pressure injury is suspected but can't be confirmed. When there isn't an open wound but the tissues beneath the … appears reddened and does not blanch (lose colour briefly when you press your finger on it then remove your finger). …
Health topics
… an imaging test is needed and how soon it is needed. When deciding to start treatment, you and your doctor can … to have more seizures. Taking antiepileptic medicines when you are not at risk for more seizures exposes you to … an imaging test is needed and how soon it is needed. When deciding to start treatment, you and your doctor can …
Health topics
… impact on anxiety and safety considerations for activity when living with anxiety. Exercise for stress and anxiety … well as how to start and keep doing exercise. Being Active When You Have Depression and Anxiety (Exercise Is Medicine, …
Health topics
… its functions are shutting down. The body goes into shock when it can't get enough blood to the vital organs like your … Being very sleepy or hard to wake up. Not responding when being touched or talked to. Breathing much faster than … its functions are shutting down. The body goes into shock when it can't get enough blood to the vital organs like your …
Health topics
… Take a moment to fill out the smoker's self-test. Be honest when you answer the questions. You may discover that you … _____I am embarrassed by the way other people look at me when I light a cigarette in a public place. _____I could … and for several weeks or months after you quit. Review it whenever you are struggling with the quitting process. Add …
Health topics
… Information Overview High-output heart failure happens when the body's need for blood is unusually high, so heart … What happens to the heart? High-output heart failure occurs when the normally functioning heart cannot keep up with an … our content . … Overview High-output heart failure happens when the body's need for blood is unusually high, so heart …
Health topics
… their exercise choices. You may need medical supervision when you start the program. Breath training. Breath training … They can be used to help you get through periods when you feel more short of breath. Try practicing both … breathing exercises, you can also do them to feel better when you are short of breath. Pursed-lip breathing may help …
Health topics
… treat and prevent common problems, such as irritated skin. When you have an ostomy, urine leaves your body through the … is no muscle around the stoma, you aren't able to control when urine passes out of your body. An odour-proof plastic … pouch, you usually need to replace it every 4 to 7 days or whenever there is a leak in the pouch or itching or burning …