6349 results found
Health topics
… diarrhea, and an allergic reaction. Taking antibiotics when they're not needed can make it hard for these medicines … easily blocked than those of older children and adults. When the tube is blocked, fluid builds up. This creates a … watchful waiting. And normal hearing is very important when a young child is learning to talk. Is very ill from the …
Health topics
… In these people, acute kidney injury is usually diagnosed when routine tests show a sudden increase in creatinine and … urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. A buildup of these waste products in the blood points to a decrease in kidney function. … urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. A buildup of these waste products in the blood points to a decrease in kidney function. …
Health topics
… a risk of genetic disease. Some people use donor sperm when they want to get pregnant without a male partner. What … insemination can improve the chances of becoming pregnant when combined with superovulation treatment. Risks … a risk of genetic disease. Some people use donor sperm when they want to get pregnant without a male partner. What …
Health topics
… will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. Why It Is Done Carbon dioxide laser treatment is done when: Abnormal cell changes found on a Pap test have been … will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. Why It Is Done Carbon …
Health topics
… control if they remember it is "just their usual bellyache" when the pain starts. Be sure that your child has regular … sleep. About one-third of children with RAP feel better when they recognize their symptoms and how to deal with … control if they remember it is "just their usual bellyache" when the pain starts. Be sure that your child has regular …
Health topics
… Control Centre immediately for information on treatment. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical … if the burns are not severe. Sulfuric acid feels hot when water is added to the acid, but it is better to flush … Control Centre immediately for information on treatment. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical …
Health topics
… cancer is treatable, but treatment may be more successful when you find and treat the cancer as early as possible. The Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), within the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada, regulates natural …
Health topics
… months to relieve your symptoms. footnote 2 How safe is it? When used in capsules as a vaginal suppository, boric acid is only known to sometimes cause skin irritation. But when used by mouth (internally), on open wounds, or by … months to relieve your symptoms. footnote 2 How safe is it? When used in capsules as a vaginal suppository, boric acid …
Health topics
… colourful objects. A baby who can't find small objects when crawling on the floor may have cataracts. The child may scowl, squint, or shield their eyes more than expected when in bright sunlight. The child's eyes may be misaligned … colourful objects. A baby who can't find small objects when crawling on the floor may have cataracts. The child may …
Health topics
… school–age children (6-11 years) Overview The stage when your child is 6 to 11 years is an important time in …