6349 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… infection (STI)? Practice safer sex by using a condom When used correctly, male and female condoms help prevent … genital warts (human papillomavirus (HPV)), and syphilis (when sores are present). Important things to remember when using condoms: Check the condom package for damage. Do …
Health topics
… consider long-term care? People may consider long-term care when a health condition makes meeting health and personal … Frailty . Some people also consider long-term care when they are planning their future or when they have concerns about their future health or their …
HealthLinkBC files
… it feel hotter outside than normal. Extreme heat happens when the heat and humidity are much higher than we would … of dehydration: Under 1 year Give your child lots of breastmilk or formula if they are under 1-year-old Speak to a … provider before offering your child fluid replacement products like Pedialyte 1 year and older Give your child fluid …
Health topics
… This keeps sperm from reaching a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a simple … as before. You will still produce normal amounts of semen when you climax. The only difference is that the semen will … after the surgery. Why It Is Done A vasectomy is done when you are sure that you don't want to have a child in the …
Health topics
… the government has specific regulations about driving when you have certain medical conditions. Your doctor might … or loss of consciousness. If these symptoms happen when you are driving, you could cause a car crash. Limits on … don't drive for a short time. Your doctor will let you know when you can drive again. Your doctor might follow these …
HealthLinkBC files
… knowing which chemicals to add, and knowing how and when to safely add them. For more information on … Most hot tub or pool accidents involving children occur when the children are not supervised, or while their … using a fence or lockable gate. Cover and lock your hot tub when it is not in use. Children are at higher risk of …
Health topics
… Fitness: Making it a habit Quick tips: Staying active when you travel … Staying active …
Health topics
… clots in the bladder that may result from the procedure. When the urine is free of significant bleeding or blood … of 100 men who have TURP. footnote 2 This syndrome occurs when the body absorbs too much of the fluid used to wash the … footnote 2 What To Think About TUR syndrome doesn't happen when TURP is done using a bipolar tool (resectoscope) …
Health topics
… transmitted infections or HIV . May not be as effective when taken with certain medicines. May delay return of … or spotting between periods. May not be as effective when taken with certain medicines. Makes diabetes more … method of birth control over time. Can be removed whenever you have problems or want to stop using it. …
Health topics
… problems. For example, if a pregnant person has an STI when during birth, the newborn may have the disease. If your … tested? Getting tested can help find an infection early or when you have no symptoms. This is important so that: You … test result, which shows that you have the disease when you actually don't. This could cause you unneeded worry …