6349 results found
Health topics
… tubes) become inflamed and narrowed. They tend to collapse when you breathe out and can become clogged with mucus . … tubes) become inflamed and narrowed. They tend to collapse when you breathe out and can become clogged with mucus . …
Health topics
… bruising, and pain. Wear them all the time, except when taking a shower, for as long as your doctor says. … the lungs (pulmonary edema). This is most likely to occur when a large volume of fluid is injected into the body. … bruising, and pain. Wear them all the time, except when taking a shower, for as long as your doctor says. …
HealthLinkBC files
… COVID-19 illness, including hospitalization and death. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well, … vaccines. PEG can be found in some cosmetics, skin care products, laxatives, cough syrups and bowel preparation products for colonoscopy. PEG can be an additive in some …
HealthLinkBC files
… against influenza, a serious and sometimes fatal infection. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well by … or having face-to-face contact. The virus can also spread when you touch tiny droplets from a cough or sneeze on …
Health topics
… growing. That way your cancer still can be treated early, when treatments are more successful. It can be hard to wait … diarrhea or rectal pain, fatigue, and pain or burning when urinating. Personal stories about considering active … They may be helpful as you make important health decisions. When I found out I had prostate cancer, I was scared. My …
Health topics
… have a mechanical heart valve or mitral valve stenosis . When you take warfarin, you need to have regular blood tests … intestines, and bruising and bleeding if you are hurt. So when you take any anticoagulant, you need to take extra care … problem. footnote 7 Blood tests and vitamin K monitoring When you take warfarin, you'll need to get regular blood …
Health topics
… tested? Getting tested can help find an infection early or when you have no symptoms. This is important so that: You … test result, which shows that you have the disease when you actually don't. This could cause you unneeded worry … means that the results show that you have an infection when you don't. Your test could give a false-negative …
HealthLinkBC files
… family member may not realize their legal responsibilities when assisting an older adult with finances, particularly when acting under a power of attorney. They may take over …
Health topics
… Exercise programs in dialysis clients should be supervised. When supervised by a clinician, intradialytic exercise was …
Health topics
… by: Keeping your knee from sliding or twisting abnormally when the leg is straight or slightly bent. Preventing your … of the bone from the rest of the bone (avulsion fracture). When any of these things happen, the lower leg bone may … with an elastic bandage and keep it propped up on a pillow when you sit or lie down. You take anti-inflammatory …