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5023 results found
Health topics
… medicine to control pain while you recover. For several weeks after surgery, you'll need to avoid long periods of sitting … Pain and nerve damage have not improved after 4 or more weeks of non-surgical treatment. Your symptoms are very bad …
Health topics
… Overview Most people who have COVID-19 recover in 2 to 6 weeks with no long-term problems. But some people have health problems that last for weeks or months after having the infection. These problems are known as …
Health topics
… adjustment to middle school or junior high in a matter of weeks. But others may take longer to adjust. They may feel … how to list their responsibilities, such as homework and after-school sports. Help them organize and set aside time … manage fears and are still anxious after a couple of weeks may need professional help, such as with a counsellor. …
Health topics
… takes 2 hours or less. You will need general anesthesia. After surgery, bile flows from the liver (where it is made) … surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much less discomfort than people who have … surgery are sore for about a week. But in 2 to 3 weeks they have much less discomfort than people who have …
Health topics
… . This parasite can cause diarrhea that occurs 1 to 4 weeks later. These infections can also occur when you use … C. diff) may occur while you take an antibiotic or shortly after you finish the antibiotic. Laxatives, such as Becolax, … fever Have you travelled to another country in the past 6 weeks? Yes Recent travel No Recent travel Do you have …
Health topics
… 3 nights per week. Short-term insomnia can last for days to weeks. It may get better in less than a month. Chronic … affect your health. But when you don't sleep well night after night, you can have what's called sleep deprivation or … only now and then or only for a short time. They aren't the first choice for treating chronic insomnia. Medicines are …
Health topics
… affects millions of older adults. It usually occurs after age 60. It's most common in women, but men can get it … you probably won't have symptoms. Sometimes the first sign is a broken bone in your hip, spine, or wrist … osteoporosis can cause a lot of pain that lasts for several weeks. Medicines to relieve this pain include: …
Health topics
… is important to be evaluated by a health professional soon after your symptoms start. Symptoms of an STI include: A … or bad-smelling) over a period of several days to 2 weeks. Pain, burning, or itching while urinating that lasts … or bad-smelling) over a period of several days to 2 weeks. Pain, burning, or itching while urinating that lasts …
HealthLinkBC files
… In humans, rabies can be prevented by immunization soon after exposure. The virus can infect any mammal. In B.C., … Infected animals usually die within 10 days from when they first appear sick. Bats infected with rabies may also act … rabies as soon as possible. It typically takes from 3 to 8 weeks before rabies symptoms start in humans but can be much …
Medical tests
… breast cancer. You may want to have your examination 1 to 2 weeks after your menstrual period ends, if you are still … You will be given a gown to wear during the examination. First, your health professional will ask you questions about …