5023 results found
Health topics
… When symptoms do occur, they usually appear 1 to 3 weeks after sexual contact with an infected person. Symptoms may … When symptoms do occur, they usually appear 1 to 3 weeks after sexual contact with an infected person. Symptoms …
Health topics
… restore normal function. Symptoms often get better in a few weeks with home care. Your doctor may want you to start some … the thumb side of your wrist area. Most people feel better after just one shot, but you might need another shot after 4 to 6 weeks if your wrist and thumb still hurt. No more than 3 …
Medical tests
… levels in the blood are low. How To Prepare For 2 to 4 weeks before the test, you may be asked to stop taking … Your doctor may have you take other medicines for a few weeks that will not change the renin test results. Do not … blood is collected. A second blood sample may be collected after you move around for 2 hours. A health professional …
Health topics
… neuritis begins without warning. It may start 1 to 2 weeks after you've had influenza (flu) or a cold. It is often … your stomach. Vertigo slowly goes away over a few days to weeks. But for a month or longer, you may still get vertigo …
Health topics
… hospital. You will need to take it easy for at least 4 to 6 weeks at home. How It Is Done Aortobifemoral bypass surgery … the hospital. Your belly and groin will be sore for several weeks. You will probably feel more tired than usual for … weeks. You may be able to do many of your usual activities after 4 to 6 weeks. But you will likely need 2 to 3 months …
Health topics
… symptoms generally begin for adults 12 to 72 hours after eating a contaminated food and for infants 3 to 30 … may cause you to need a breathing machine (ventilator) for weeks, along with intensive medical and nursing care. After several weeks, the paralysis slowly improves. Infants are usually …
Health topics
… in the hands and feet. Symptoms usually start within a week after the bite. Some people also have a headache, muscle … for this illness. Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel … in the hands and feet. Symptoms usually start within a week after the bite. Some people also have a headache, muscle …
Health topics
… long periods and then go on a drinking binge that lasts for weeks or months. People who are dependent on alcohol may … now Are you back to your normal level of alertness? After passing out, it's normal to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else is …
Health topics
… Overview Your wound will need care and observation. After the stitches or staples are put in, the area may be … remove the crust. Do not scrub or soak the wound during the first 48 hours. If you did not get instructions, follow this … general advice: Keep the wound bandaged and dry for the first day. After the first day, wash around the wound with …
Health topics
… stay with a healthy eating plan? Update your goals When you first started your healthy eating plan, you probably had one … goals are things that you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did you try to take on too much too fast? That's a … stay with a healthy eating plan? Update your goals When you first started your healthy eating plan, you probably had one …