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Health topics
… up, especially newborns. Spitting up happens less often after the muscles of the esophagus , the muscular tube that … Do not add cereal to breast milk or formula without first consulting your doctor. Do not smoke when you are … Do not add cereal to breast milk or formula without first consulting your doctor. Do not smoke when you are …
Health topics
… the symptoms? Allergy symptoms may start minutes or hours after you breathe in an allergen. Your symptoms can last for … You have a cough or cold that lasts longer than 1 to 2 weeks. You have severe itching of the eyes or nose. Your … people. They start working quickly, but it may be several weeks before you get the full effect. There are other types …
Health topics
… You cannot be sure how long the shots will be effective after you stop getting them. For allergies to some grasses, … the shot. You will get the same dose in shots every 2 to 4 weeks for the next 4 to 6 months. You may get monthly shots … worse by allergens, but the asthma must be well controlled first. Decide what's next 1. 1, Do you understand the …
HealthLinkBC files
… to wheeze, have trouble breathing, or have a hoarse voice after eating or drinking. It can also lead to pneumonia. … immediate access to at least one employee who: Has a valid first aid and CPR certificate Is knowledgeable about each … to communicate with emergency workers Can easily access first aid supplies, including when care is provided off the …
Health topics
… PND don't feel increased shortness of breath when they first lie down. But after several hours of lying down, they awake with shortness … may drive to the store instead of walking. Some people at first deny that they have been experiencing this symptom. It …
Health topics
… it a few days before the rash starts until 5 to 7 days after the rash first appears. But you can spread the virus even if you … go to work, school, or daycare for 7 days after the rash first appears. If you're exposed to the rubella virus while …
Health topics
… well. It's common to see your doctor or midwife: Every 4 weeks until week 28. Every 2 to 3 weeks from weeks 28 to 36. Every week from week 36 to birth. In some …
Health topics
… with drugs that destroy the child's bone marrow cells. After that, the donated bone marrow stem cells are injected … treat adults. What To Expect You may spend up to 4 weeks or longer in the hospital after the transplant. How … treat adults. What To Expect You may spend up to 4 weeks or longer in the hospital after the transplant. How …
Health topics
… your diet can help stop or even reverse heart disease. At first, it may seem like there is a lot to learn. But you … your diet can help stop or even reverse heart disease. At first, it may seem like there is a lot to learn. But you …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? An umbilical hernia can usually be seen after the umbilical cord stump falls off, within a few weeks after birth. But some children don't get a hernia … seen after the umbilical cord stump falls off, within a few weeks after birth. But some children don't get a hernia …