5023 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Some people may have a brief illness with symptoms around 6 weeks after being infected with HCV. You can clear HCV and still … to take than older medications (no injections). In 8 to 12 weeks, most patients are cured of HCV. If you have chronic …
Health topics
… help you figure out what activities would be best for you. After you've thought about your answers, read this list of … help you figure out what activities would be best for you. After you've thought about your answers, read this list of …
Health topics
… started noticing and saying, 'Wow, you look great,' even after 5 kilograms (10 pounds)… that gave me the confidence … started noticing and saying, 'Wow, you look great,' even after 5 kilograms (10 pounds)… that gave me the confidence …
Health topics
… using a blood test. They should also be measured shortly after you start taking any new medicine. Watching for side … using a blood test. They should also be measured shortly after you start taking any new medicine. Watching for side …
Health topics
… Talk with someone in the group before attending for the first time. Usually work best if all members participate. It … important to talk in the group, especially if it is your first time. Listening (and offering silent encouragement by … Talk with someone in the group before attending for the first time. Usually work best if all members participate. It …
Health topics
… Getting there hasn't been easy. Stan's depression began after he came home injured from his military service. He … meeting again. "I'd been to AA before, but this was the first time I was willing to do anything to recover. It's … he's hurt over the years, including himself. And for the first time in his life, he's started down a spiritual path. …
Health topics
… ). How are the viruses spread? How a human first got one of these viruses is not known. Most experts … it until they have symptoms. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms usually feel like the flu. They include: … the disease. The symptoms appear suddenly from 2 to 21 days after you are exposed to the virus. But most people see …
Health topics
… in the morning to a high of 37.6°C (99.6°F) in the late afternoon. Each child has a normal temperature range that … No Fever seizure Has your child had surgery in the past 2 weeks? Yes Surgery within past 2 weeks No Surgery within past 2 weeks Does your child have …
Health topics
… needed) to participate in the activity safely. Safety is first and foremost when you're starting out Recognize your … to assist you Do a proper warm-up before and cool down after your activity Drink water before, during and after your activity Engage support from family and friends. …
Health topics
… polyps are non-cancerous (benign). Most cervical polyps are first discovered during a pelvic examination. Usually only a … heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods or after sex, and bleeding after menopause And in some cases, … polyps are non-cancerous (benign). Most cervical polyps are first discovered during a pelvic examination. Usually only a …