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5023 results found
Health topics
… Girls usually are ahead of boys in language development after the first year, but there is only a slight difference. … usually are ahead of boys in language development after the first year, but there is only a slight difference. …
Health topics
… before going in the sun, and reapply it every 2 hours and after swimming, exercising, or sweating. Use protective lip … a product that combines the two. You can apply sunscreen first and then apply the insect repellent with DEET. But the … they get most of their lifetime sun exposure in their first 18 years. Keep babies younger than 12 months out of …
Health topics
… of breath when you're active. A heart murmur might be the first sign your doctor notices. Acute mitral regurgitation … have symptoms, a specific type of heart murmur might be the first sign your doctor notices. If you develop heart … will want to see you as soon as you have symptoms for the first time. If your doctor has talked with you about what to …
Health topics
… in your calf, thigh, or buttock. This pain usually happens after you have walked a certain distance. How is it … look at the colour of your foot when it is raised up and after you exercise. You may have a Doppler ultrasound , … is called intermittent claudication . It usually happens after you have walked a certain distance. The pain goes away …
Health topics
… or are taking care of someone who does. Wash your hands after using the toilet or helping a sick child use the … treatment may be all you need. You may get better within 2 weeks. But some people may feel light-headed and tired for … The symptoms usually develop suddenly and last for 2 to 3 weeks. A person with bacterial meningitis is treated with …
Health topics
… be hard to adjust to hearing aids? It may take from several weeks to months for you to get used to your hearing aids. … to hearing aids. Hearing aids will feel odd in your ears at first and may cause some pain and tenderness in the ear … that I did need them, so I checked with my doctor. But after she cleaned the earwax out of my ears, I found I could …
Medical tests
… For best results, collect the sample in the morning right after waking up. Follow these steps: If you wear dentures, … your airway. Collecting the sample in the morning, when you first wake up, is generally best. If you have trouble obtaining a good sample, try taking a hot shower first to help loosen the mucus in your airway. Carefully …
Health topics
… drugs, is very hard. Very few people succeed the first time they try to stop. A lapse or relapse is likely. A lapse is the first time you use a drug or alcohol again after you have quit. Or it can be brief episodes of use at …
Health topics
… and grow at a steady but slower pace than during their first 12 months of life. Between 12 and 24 months of age, … to look like a "little boy" or a "little girl." Get their first molars. They may also get their canine teeth (also … For example, you may hide a teddy bear under a blanket. After your child finds the teddy bear by removing the …
Health topics
… painful events or mild to moderate anemia . What To Expect After a blood transfusion, doctors watch you closely for any … children who already had a stroke or are at high risk for a first stroke. footnote 1 How Well It Works Blood transfusion … of severe anemia. Blood transfusion may help prevent a first stroke in children who have sickle cell disease. …