5023 results found
Health topics
… having bowel movements at night, and having a dry diaper after a nap or for at least 2 hours at a time. Children must … (potty) that you provide. This process takes time, from weeks to months. Each child is different. But most children … long. Nighttime accidents may occur frequently within the first 12 months after children learn how to use the toilet …
Health topics
… with earphones or ear buds. Don't wait to protect yourself. After noise-related damage to the ear is done, it cannot be … not aware of it. Often, family members or friends are the first to notice the hearing loss. Social situations can be … When you first get hearing aids, it may take you several weeks to months to get used to this. Most hearing aids can …
Health topics
… life when you permanently stop having menstrual periods . After 1 year of having no periods, you've reached menopause. … might have severe symptoms. Symptoms tend to get worse the first year after menopause. But then many of them improve or … for menopause unless your symptoms bother you. The first step is to have a healthy lifestyle. It can help …
Medical tests
… additional lymph nodes. The sentinel lymph node is the first node in a group of nodes in the body where cancer cells may move to after they have left the original cancer site and started to … the original cancer site. The dye or tracer moves to the first lymph node (sentinel node) that drains close to the …
Health topics
… have surgery or radiation to remove or destroy the cancer. After surgery or radiation, you will have regular checkups … When I found out I had prostate cancer, I was scared. My first thought was, "Get it out, now!" But my doctor said … My doctor suggested that I consider active surveillance. At first I wasn't sure about waiting. But my brother-in-law …
Health topics
… be aware of your symptoms. Negative symptoms usually appear first. They may be hard to recognize as schizophrenia, … . Positive symptoms can start days, months, or years after the negative symptoms. Early signs of schizophrenia … decisions about your care. This phase usually lasts 4 to 8 weeks. This is when schizophrenia usually is diagnosed. …
Health topics
… or with vaginal medicine for a longer amount of time. This first treatment may be followed by up to 6 months of … be oral or vaginal medicines. If symptoms don't improve after treatment, more testing and treatment may be needed. … or with vaginal medicine for a longer amount of time. This first treatment may be followed by up to 6 months of …
Health topics
… ICD? If you get an ICD, you will not drive for a short time after you get the device implanted. Depending on the reason … (but have never had one), you will likely wait a few days after the implant procedure before driving again. This allows you time to heal. After you heal, you can drive again as long as your ICD has …
Health topics
… One On this page: Overview Overview After a stroke, people feel lots of different emotions. Some … regain skills you lost or make the most of your abilities after a stroke. Your rehab team will give you education and … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview After a stroke, people feel lots of different emotions. Some …
Health topics
… When you have mitral valve prolapse (MVP), the valve closes after blood flows through. Blood flows normally through the … body. When you have mitral valve prolapse, the valve closes after blood flows through. But the valve flaps bulge … When you have mitral valve prolapse (MVP), the valve closes after blood flows through. Blood flows normally through the …