5023 results found
Health topics
… firmly attached to the inside wall of the uterus until after the baby is born. In placental abruption , the … in the third trimester . But it can happen at any time after the 20th week of pregnancy. What causes it? Doctors … firmly attached to the inside wall of the uterus until after the baby is born. In placental abruption , the …
Health topics
… notice symptoms more during menstrual bleeding or the week after your period. When to Call Call your doctor now if you … bleeding, bleeding between menstrual periods, or bleeding after sex or douching. Have a vaginal discharge that is … notice symptoms more during menstrual bleeding or the week after your period. When to Call Call your doctor now if you …
Health topics
… of pain. Medicines taken by mouth (oral) are usually used first, because they are easier to take and are usually less … cope with your illness. But depression lasting more than 2 weeks is not normal and should be reported to your doctor. … of pain. Medicines taken by mouth (oral) are usually used first, because they are easier to take and are usually less …
Health topics
… your health—congratulations! Making that decision is the first step toward making a change. What happens next? Have a … your health—congratulations! Making that decision is the first step toward making a change. What happens next? Have a …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a lifeguard. Play carefully If you lost consciousness after hitting your head against pool walls or rocks, you … information on recreational water quality testing. Take a first aid course Take a first aid course that teaches: Rescue breathing …
Health topics
… changes as you get older. But some changes may be the first sign of a medical problem. So talk with your doctor … prescription medicines without talking with your doctor first. Colostomies, mastectomies, and other procedures that … sexual function. Your sexual response starts to slow down after age 50. But your sex drive is more likely to be …
HealthLinkBC files
… babies whose cries are responded to right away cry less after the first year than babies whose parents let them “cry it out.” … help your child by talking about new experiences like the first visit to the dentist. Also, tell you child in advance …
Health topics
… the hunger from the strict diet triggers them to binge eat. After binge eating, they feel out of control, ashamed, … bulimia. Both are long-term treatments that may require weeks or months before you notice significant results. You … use disorder , your doctor may want to treat that condition first. People who seek treatment for bulimia or another …
Health topics
… to puree your food in a food processor for a few days or weeks. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) … to puree your food in a food processor for a few days or weeks. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) …
Medical tests
… fibroids , and infection. Laparoscopy may be done after early infertility tests do not show the cause for the … used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision. Then air is slowly put through the needle to … used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision. Then air is slowly put through the needle to …