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… Managing Your Energy On this page: Overview Overview Two techniques can help you manage your energy when you have … Staying within your energy envelope. Pacing yourself. These techniques can give you better control over your symptoms so … lose track of time. Putting it all together Using these two techniques can be hard to do. When you are having a good …
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… , traditional open surgery, or a combination of the two techniques. It depends on the type of problem and the method … , traditional open surgery, or a combination of the two techniques. It depends on the type of problem and the method …
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Health topics
… about whether MS affects getting pregnant or about labour and delivery are common. Here are some answers: Most … able to have children without MS affecting the pregnancy, labour, or delivery. MS does not increase the risk of … about whether MS affects getting pregnant or about labour and delivery are common. Here are some answers: Most …
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… Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Preparing for Labour English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi … | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Stages of Labour English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Medical Procedures to Help Labour and Birth English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French …
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… not relieve pain from contractions. Labour and Delivery Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) … not relieve pain from contractions. Labour and Delivery Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) …
Health topics
… cover the cervix. Placenta previa can bleed heavily during labour. But placenta previa that's present in the first … cover the cervix. Placenta previa can bleed heavily during labour. But placenta previa that's present in the first …