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2742 results found
Health topics
… that's needed to relieve your symptoms. Overuse problems Carpal tunnel syndrome . This is caused by pressure on a nerve ( … blood flow to the hands or damage to nerves of the hand . Pregnancy may cause redness, itching, swelling, numbness, or …
HealthLinkBC files
… recommended and provided free to pregnant people in every pregnancy. The vaccine should be given at 27-32 weeks of pregnancy regardless of previous Tdap immunization history … to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. For more information on Reye Syndrome, see …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Is it safe to travel during pregnancy? Pregnant women can be at increased risk of … your travel plans and medical needs. If you have certain pregnancy-related or medical conditions, you may be advised … of a serious nervous system disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following Zika virus infection. For more …
Health topics
… Nerve problems, including nerve entrapment or tarsal tunnel syndrome . Recurring heel pain. Neuroma, a benign tumour … Nerve problems, including nerve entrapment or tarsal tunnel syndrome . Recurring heel pain. Neuroma, a benign …
Health topics
… diseases that affect the salivary glands, such as Sjögren's syndrome or scleroderma. When you are taking certain … which may cause a metallic breath odour. Tonsils with deep tunnels (crypts) that trap food particles. Throat or mouth … which may cause a metallic breath odour. Tonsils with deep tunnels (crypts) that trap food particles. Throat or mouth …
Health topics
… practices: Baby's sleep position and sudden infant death syndrome Crib safety Safe sleeping for babies (HealthLinkBC … File #107) Safer sleep for my baby Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)     Sun safety Babies have delicate, … skin.  Sun safety babies for their first year Shaken baby syndrome Shaken baby syndrome is brain injury that occurs …
Health topics
… eggs may be frozen (cryopreserved) for future attempts. Pregnancy and birth. Any embryos that implant in the uterus may then result in pregnancy and birth of one or more infants. What To Expect … (IVF) increases the risks of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and multiple pregnancy. Superovulation with hormone …
Health topics
… disease Crohn's disease may cause sores, or ulcers, that tunnel through the intestine and into the nearby tissue. These are often around the anus and rectum. These tunnels, called fistulas , are a common problem with Crohn's … Colorectal Cancer Diverticulitis Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Organ Transplant Probiotics Ulcerative …
HealthLinkBC files
… to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. For more information on Reye Syndrome, see … infected with the virus in the first 3 months of their pregnancy. Rubella can also cause miscarriage or stillbirth. … will die from the infection. Rarely, infection early in pregnancy can result in a baby being born with birth …
Health topics
… bad. If the condition isn't treated and gets worse, hollow tunnels can form under the skin. Over time, the infection and tunnels will heal, but a thick scar may form. These scars … bad. If the condition isn't treated and gets worse, hollow tunnels can form under the skin. Over time, the infection …