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4459 results found
Health topics
… Pulmonary embolism is the sudden blockage of a major blood vessel (artery) in the lung, usually by a blood clot . … Blood tests, such as a D-dimer. D-dimer levels are usually high in people with pulmonary embolism. A CT scan or CT … people take a blood thinner for a few months. People at high risk for blood clots may take it for the rest of their …
Medical tests
… picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . A chest X-ray also shows … pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , collapsed … pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , collapsed …
… pain numb/tingling skin shortness of breath coughing up blood signs of liver problems (such as nausea/vomiting that … is not recommended for use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Your doctor may direct you to use another … used only when clearly needed during the last 6 months of pregnancy. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. …
… hay fever, and allergies. It works by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose area, reducing swelling and … disease overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) diabetes high blood pressure difficulty urinating (due to enlarged … whether this nasal spray can be used by children. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… the flu. If you have breathing problems (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD) and are … inhaler device to get enough drug to benefit them. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … inhaler device to get enough drug to benefit them. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… term medication used to treat ongoing lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including … and burning/painful/frequent/urgent urination. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … and burning/painful/frequent/urgent urination. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… short of breath. Other signs may include chest pain and blood in mucus that is coughed up. How is it diagnosed? Your … also put you at risk. Your risk of getting lung cancer is higher: The longer you smoke. The more cigarettes you smoke … or a cough that doesn't go away. In smokers who have a chronic cough, a change in how severe their cough is or how …
… of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine, blood in the urine) extreme drowsiness signs of low blood … deficiency) underactive thyroid mineral imbalances (such as high level of potassium or low level of sodium in the blood) … reactions, blood disorders, easy bleeding/bruising, and a high potassium blood level. Patients with AIDS may be more …
… of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine, blood in the urine) extreme drowsiness signs of low blood … deficiency) underactive thyroid mineral imbalances (such as high level of potassium or low level of sodium in the blood) … reactions, blood disorders, easy bleeding/bruising, and a high potassium blood level. Patients with AIDS may be more …
… If you stop taking this medication early, you have a higher risk of forming a serious blood clot (such as a stroke, blood clot in the legs/lungs). … you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …