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4459 results found
Health topics
… listeriosis if their mothers eat contaminated food during pregnancy. What causes it? The bacteria that causes … have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A blood test or spinal fluid test may be done to confirm the … at risk of becoming sick with severe listeriosis. Those at high risk include people with weakened immune systems, …
Medical tests
… women, pelvic ultrasound may be done to: Find the cause of blood in the urine (hematuria). An ultrasound of the kidneys … of the ovaries during treatment for infertility . Confirm a pregnancy and see if it is in the uterus. Pelvic ultrasound … stripe (also called endometrial hyperplasia ) may mean a higher chance of endometrial cancer . Problems from pelvic …
… an unborn baby. Women of childbearing age should have a pregnancy test before starting this medication. Ask about … 3 weeks. The injection is given under the skin on the thigh by a health care professional, usually over about 5 to … problems (such as heart failure, irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure lung problems previous cancer treatments …
… often affected. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. When uric acid levels in the blood are too high, the uric acid may form hard crystals in your joints. … a child. Consult your doctor for more information. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… break open and cause a clot, not by large plaques that slow blood flow and cause angina symptoms. Whichever treatment … will likely keep taking one of the medicines. If you have a high risk of bleeding, your doctor may shorten the time you … need to. Manage other health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. After …
Health topics
… from rejecting the new organ. You'll have checkups and blood tests to see how well the organ is working. You may … a broad range of people. If you do, it means that you're at higher risk of rejecting an organ, even if the cross-match … Donor Upon Death Acute Kidney Injury Chronic Kidney Disease COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary …
HealthLinkBC files
… , and about 16 per cent die. Some people are at a slightly higher risk of cryptococcal disease including those who: Are … virus (HIV), cancer, or have had organ transplants Have chronic lung disease Smoke How is this disease diagnosed? If … care provider can test for Cryptococcus infection in a blood, lung or spinal fluid sample. Is there a treatment …
Health topics
… your doctor may have a surgeon take a sample of a blood vessel on your temple and test it for inflammation . … or not you will proceed with treatment. If you are taking high-dose corticosteroids, the biopsy result may not be … Biopsies done more than about a week after the start of high-dose corticosteroids may be falsely normal ( …
Health topics
… or hardening of the arteries. These things include: High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Diabetes. Smoking. Being overweight. A …
Health topics
… birth. You are carrying more than one baby ( multiple pregnancy ). You had a C-section before, and you have the … include: Infection of the incision or the uterus. Heavy blood loss. Blood clots in the mother's legs or lungs. … during labour (uterine rupture). She also has a slightly higher risk of a problem with the placenta , such as …