4459 results found
Health topics
… estrogen levels. Eat a diet that is low in animal fats and high in fruits and vegetables. You have no risk for … Other tests done before surgery may include: A complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia and other abnormal … lymph nodes and check other tissues for signs of cancer. Pregnancy is no longer possible after a hysterectomy. If you …
… of fluids (four to six 8-ounce glasses daily), eating foods high in fiber, and exercising regularly. This product is not … stage of labor (pushing phase). At other times during pregnancy, this product should be used only when clearly … stage of labor (pushing phase). At other times during pregnancy, this product should be used only when clearly …
… needs. Uses This medicine is used to treat "iron-poor" blood (anemia) in people with long-term kidney disease. You … problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… This medication is absorbed through the skin, enters your bloodstream, and helps your body reach normal testosterone … failure, heart attack) stroke kidney problems diabetes high cholesterol level lung disease obesity difficulty breathing during sleep (apnea) high blood pressure bone cancer blood clots (such as in the …
Health topics
… Following surgery, a catheter is used to remove urine and blood or blood clots in the bladder that may result from the … of TUR syndrome include mental confusion, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, slowed heartbeat, and visual … of TUR syndrome include mental confusion, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, slowed heartbeat, and visual …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If high blood sugar levels have damaged nerves that go to your skin, … . Learn how we develop our content . … Getting Started If high blood sugar levels have damaged nerves that go to your …
Health topics
… but life-threatening condition. The first signs include a high fever and changes in heart and breathing patterns. If … away. Drowsiness. Weight gain. Increase in cholesterol or blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes. Heart problems. … but life-threatening condition. The first signs include a high fever and changes in heart and breathing patterns. If …
Health topics
… you. Avoid alcohol. It can increase dehydration. Include high-fibre foods in your diet each day. These foods include … pain. You have new or worse nausea or vomiting. You have blood in your stools. Watch closely for changes in your … you. Avoid alcohol. It can increase dehydration. Include high-fibre foods in your diet each day. These foods include …
… needs. Uses This medication is used to treat "iron-poor" blood (iron deficiency anemia). Low iron levels can occur … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… used to treat and prevent low levels of certain substances (blood clotting factors) that your body naturally produces. … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …