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3714 results found
Health topics
… and stand with good posture to avoid muscle tension. Live a healthy lifestyle. Get regular sleep, eat healthy foods at regular times, avoid alcohol and drugs, and … and stand with good posture to avoid muscle tension. Live a healthy lifestyle. Get regular sleep, eat healthy foods at …
Health topics
… Self-care for borderline personality disorder includes healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, and avoiding … Self-care for borderline personality disorder includes healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy
Health topics
… 30 cm (1 ft) from a wall and place the palms of both hands against the wall at chest level. Step back with one foot, … a day. Foot-strengthening exercises done with a towel and weights. See a picture of a towel curls exercise. Place a … increase strength, later use 1.5 kg (3 lb) to 2.5 kg (5 lb) weights on the other end of the towel (such as a can of …
Health topics
… If you have nerve damage in your feet, avoid repetitive, weight-bearing exercises, such as jogging, prolonged … Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood pressure … If you have nerve damage in your feet, avoid repetitive, weight-bearing exercises, such as jogging, prolonged …
Health topics
… She's talking about a way of eating that helped her lose weight and brought her blood pressure way down. "If there … any blood pressure problems until after I'd been quite overweight for about 10 years," Izzy says. But when her blood … it was time to take action, Izzy has lost her extra weight. And her blood pressure is 110 to 115 over 60 to 65. …
Health topics
… you have other symptoms, such as fever, pain, or unplanned weight loss. You also will have a complete physical … them. These might include fever, chills, pain, or unplanned weight loss. You might want to keep a notebook to write down … you have other symptoms, such as fever, pain, or unplanned weight loss. You also will have a complete physical …
Health topics
… can't stay tightly closed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Instead, the cervix opens (dilates) with little … help keep the cervix closed. If you have had it in a past pregnancy, your doctor or midwife will want to check you … you've had this condition before, your risk for having it again is higher than average. How is cervical insufficiency …
Health topics
… you go into labour before 37 weeks or after 42 weeks of pregnancy you have a medical condition such as high blood … disease, or diabetes you have active genital herpes your pregnancy is high-risk for any other reason If you have a … trained to care for women who have special needs during pregnancy and birth. If necessary, an obstetrician may also …
Health topics
… aspiration can be done in the first trimester to end a pregnancy. It may also be done to empty the uterus after: A … effective. In rare cases, the procedure doesn't end a pregnancy. This is more likely to happen during the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Risks Vacuum aspiration rarely causes any …
Health topics
… I Have a Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Test? Pregnancy: Should I Have Amniocentesis? Pregnancy: Should I Have CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling)? Pregnancy: Should I Have the Maternal Serum Triple or …