5455 results found
Health topics
… If there is an entryway where people who smoke gather during breaks or before work, find another entryway, or time … Work breaks. Avoid places where people who smoke go during the break. Seek out the company of people who don't … If there is an entryway where people who smoke gather during breaks or before work, find another entryway, or time …
Health topics
… cognitive behavioural therapy. It reduces the physical or emotional distress you feel when confronted with a … object, situation, or distressing thought or memory. During this type of counselling, you may relive a traumatic … thought. But you do it while in a controlled environment. During this type of therapy, a counsellor helps you while …
Health topics
… type of pessary, you may be able to leave the pessary in during vaginal sex. But you can't insert a diaphragm (a … are sometimes used to treat uterine prolapse during pregnancy. In this instance, the pessary holds the uterus in … are sometimes used to treat uterine prolapse during pregnancy. In this instance, the pessary holds the uterus in …
Health topics
… pregnant. And don't expose your baby to second-hand smoke during or after your pregnancy. For at least the first 6 months—and for the first … expose your baby to second-hand smoke during or after your pregnancy. For at least the first 6 months—and for the first …
… cough, dry mouth, difficulty speaking, change in taste, and changes in voice may occur. If any of these effects last or … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes). This medication must not be used in people … your doctor or dentist that you are taking this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… products). For children, the dosage is also based on their body size. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit … risk to the infant, breast-feeding is not recommended during treatment and for 1 month after your last dose. … start taking this medication and while you are taking it. A pregnancy test may also be done 1 week before you start …
… fever). It is thought to work by decreasing your body's production of a certain protein (amyloid A) that … father a child. Consult your doctor for more information. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… Asthma Attack Asthma Diary Asthma Diary Template Asthma During Pregnancy Asthma in Children Asthma in Children: Knowing How … Attack Asthma Diary Asthma Diary Template Asthma During Pregnancy Asthma in Children Asthma in Children: Knowing How …
Health topics
… hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in the body. The thigh bone (femur) fits tightly into a cup-shaped … serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may turn blue or … the injured area if it causes pain. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …