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Health features
… you can receive these missing routine vaccines for free. Pregnancy Women should avoid becoming pregnant for one month …
… heartburn, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, appetite changes, increased sweating, or acne may occur. If any of … for a long time can make it more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … so your child's height and growth can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… versions of this article. To keep supply and demand working during breastfeeding: Avoid unnecessary supplements such as … foods, they don't 'demand' enough of your milk and your body will respond by producing less. In addition to … and uncomfortable. This is called engorgement. formula also changes a baby's gut (the lining of the intestines) so that …
… drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… thirst/urination easy bruising/bleeding mental/mood changes (such as depression, mood swings, agitation) bone … doses for a long time, it may be more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … regularly so your child's height can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… fast/irregular heartbeat joint/muscle pain mental/mood changes (such as confusion) numbness/tingling severe … doesn't go away vision problems weakness on one side of the body trouble speaking seizures difficulty moving A very … the side effects of this drug, especially bleeding. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
… thirst/urination easy bruising/bleeding mental/mood changes (such as depression, mood swings, agitation) bone … doses for a long time, it may be more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … regularly so your child's height can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… Healthy skin provides a barrier between the inside of the body and the outside environment. A rash means that some … may include: A severe headache. A stiff neck. Mental changes, such as feeling confused or much less alert. … instructions on the label. Take breaks. Take several breaks during the day to do a relaxation exercise if stress appears …
Health topics
… movements may go down as your baby eats more and matures during that first month. By 3-4 weeks of age, your baby may … baby grows and begins eating solid foods, you may notice changes in your baby's stool. When you breastfeed or … Many parents worry about stool colour. But most colour changes are caused by food colouring or additives to food …
Health topics
… two ways. First, it makes the stomach smaller. Second, it changes the connection between the stomach and the … approach is used most often. You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor will separate the upper part … shaky, and nauseated. It also can make it hard for your body to get enough nutrition. Your doctor will give you …