5453 results found
Health topics
… may be able to relieve your symptoms by making lifestyle changes or trying other treatments, such as: Exercise . … Read and follow all instructions on the label. Healthy body weight . Stay at a weight that's healthy for you. Talk … steroid shots Try epidural steroid shots You'll be awake during the procedure. You will be given medicine to numb the …
Health topics
… to help your child. Have regular rest times for your child during the day. Ensure that your child gets adequate sleep … consequences. If you struggle with any of these issues, parenting classes or counselling can sometimes be helpful. … consequences. If you struggle with any of these issues, parenting classes or counselling can sometimes be helpful. …
Health topics
… pattern, it can make you start to believe that the positive changes you're looking for aren't possible. If you can learn … it. Consider seeing a counsellor. It can be hard to make changes in your habits or your thinking on your own. And it … pattern, it can make you start to believe that the positive changes you're looking for aren't possible. If you can learn …
Medical tests
… hours. Uric acid is made from the natural breakdown of your body's cells. It's also made from the foods you eat. Your … your blood and put it into urine so that it can leave your body. But if your body is making too much uric acid, the … foods before the test. Make sure you drink enough liquids during the 24-hour test so that you don't get dehydrated . …
Health topics
… fluctuations and dyskinesias. Motor fluctuations. These are changes in the ability to move throughout the day. They may … cause movement that can't be controlled. This can happen during on or off times. Dyskinesias. Dyskinesias are sudden, … affect the head, neck, arms, and legs or other parts of the body. Changing the dosage or when it is taken may help …
Medical tests
… energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body. In many cases, MRI gives different information about structures in the body than can be seen with an X-ray , ultrasound , or … room. In some cases, contrast material may be used during the MRI scan to show certain structures more clearly. …
Health topics
… signs of endometriosis. Surgery may improve your chances of pregnancy. But in some severe cases, a fertility specialist … signs of endometriosis. Surgery may improve your chances of pregnancy. But in some severe cases, a fertility specialist …
Health topics
… . The fallopian tubes are cut or blocked, which prevents pregnancy by blocking the egg's path to the sperm and … . The fallopian tubes are cut or blocked, which prevents pregnancy by blocking the egg's path to the sperm and …
Health topics
… Works Tubal implants are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. Studies show that over 2 years, fewer than 1 out … Works Tubal implants are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. Studies show that over 2 years, fewer than 1 out …
Health topics
… for signs of problems. Talk to your child if you notice changes in behaviour, such as being more secretive, … for signs of problems. Talk to your child if you notice changes in behaviour, such as being more secretive, …