5454 results found
Health topics
… for signs of problems. Talk to your child if you notice changes in behaviour, such as being more secretive, … for signs of problems. Talk to your child if you notice changes in behaviour, such as being more secretive, …
Health topics
… Overview Sjögren's syndrome (say "SHOH-grins") causes your body's defence, or immune, system to attack the glands that … tear and saliva glands and sometimes other parts of your body. Your eyes and mouth get very dry. Sjögren's also may … for yourself at home? For your eyes Use artificial tears during the day. If one brand doesn't work, try another. Try …
Medical tests
… of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, a thin tube called a catheter is placed … days after the angiogram until the dye has passed from your body. This generally takes 24 hours. How It Is Done An … A strap, tape, or sandbags may be used to hold your body still. A lead apron may be placed under your genital …
Health topics
… A registered dietitian can help you make needed dietary changes by providing meal-planning guidelines that are … need to limit sodium or fluid? Sodium Sodium causes your body to hold on to extra water. This may cause your heart … It may be restricted in advanced cases to maintain your body's electrolyte balance . Closely following your …
Health topics
… feel overwhelming. But exercise can be about making small changes in your physical activity. For example, parking your … active as you can as often as you can. But be aware of your body's limits. Set goals that you can reach. If you expect … For example, if you have heart failure, don't exercise during a flare-up. These are basic tips. A slow walk might …
Health topics
Health topics
… to provide support and encouragement for your teen both during and after the program. Promotion of interests. The … treatment for those conditions needs to be started during substance use treatment. Urine drug screens. The … program needs to require that your teen not use substances during treatment. Random urine drug screens can be used to …
Health topics
… radishes, and raw potatoes may not be digested well by your body and can cause gas and bloating. Limit your intake of … radishes, and raw potatoes may not be digested well by your body and can cause gas and bloating. Limit your intake of …
Health topics
… ( prickly heat ) is a red or pink rash usually found on body areas covered by clothing. It can develop when the … of the rash: Dress your child in as few clothes as possible during hot weather. Choose loose-fitting, light cotton … ( prickly heat ) is a red or pink rash usually found on body areas covered by clothing. It can develop when the …
Health topics
… adult may have substance use disorder. Signs can include changes in behaviour as well as changes in mental abilities. Drinking, misusing medicines, … can be signs of health problems many older adults have. Changes in behaviour also could be signs of stress. Changes …