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Health topics
… babies, thrush may cause a rash in the diaper area. Taste changes. Your sense of taste may be decreased, lost, or … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … bitter or metallic taste when eating. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… For a caregiver who has health problems, the physical and emotional strain of caregiving can make those problems … If you aren't getting enough sleep at night, take a nap during the day. Plan to get at least one full night's rest … If you aren't getting enough sleep at night, take a nap during the day. Plan to get at least one full night's rest …
Health topics
… and provided free to people who are pregnant in every pregnancy, regardless of their immunization history. The …
Health topics
… or roaring, that doesn't come from your surroundings. (So nobody else can hear it.) The sound may keep time with your … caused by sounds created by muscle movements near the ear, changes in the ear canal, or blood flow (vascular) problems … are needed to find the best dosage. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… in the esophagus. They are part of the immune system. The body sends them out in response to an allergic reaction. … flexible tube down your throat to look at your esophagus. During the test, the doctor will take small tissue samples, … This makes it hard to swallow food. If medicine or diet changes don't relieve the problem, it can be treated with a …
Health topics
… page: During childhood and teenage years, new bone grows faster than existing bone is absorbed by the body. After age 30, this process begins to reverse. As a … new bone grows faster than existing bone is absorbed by the body. After age 30, this process begins to reverse. As a …
HealthLinkBC files
… immunizations may be stressful for you, try to be calm during the appointment and when talking about immunization … musical toy to distract your child immediately before and during the vaccination. Ask older children questions about … a pinwheel or party blower Why? Deep breathing makes the body relax its stress response. It also serves as a …
HealthLinkBC files
… term for high blood pressure is hypertension. What dietary changes can help lower blood pressure? Healthy eating can … your overall health. Here are the most important dietary changes you can make. Limit sodium intake Most adults only … you eat. Speak to your health care provider before you make changes to the way you eat. Follow the DASH diet DASH stands …
Health topics
… some cases, a virus infects the optic nerve . Sometimes the body's defences (immune system) mistakenly attack the body's … vision in the centre of the visual field (central scotoma). Changes in how you see colour. Bright colours may look dull. … health. The doctor may use eyedrops to dilate your eyes during the examination. Imaging tests such as an MRI may …
Health topics
… cancer Cancer and its treatment often result in physical, emotional and social problems that impact quality of life. … to help you understand the importance of exercise before, during and after treatment. It includes exercises that can … Finding an exercise trainer, Types of exercise, Exercise during and after treatment. Moving Through Cancer (Exercise …