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5455 results found
Health topics
… to drink enough water? Water keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush wastes and stay at the right temperature. It can … you are drinking enough water: You urinate every few hours during the day. You feel well. You are not thirsty very …
Health topics
… Overview A hot flash is a sudden sensation of intense body heat, often with profuse sweating and reddening of the … well understood. Hot flashes are more common at night than during the day and are a common cause of sleep problems for … . … Overview A hot flash is a sudden sensation of intense body heat, often with profuse sweating and reddening of the …
Health topics
… Overview Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration during which a person becomes less aware of their … do not know how hypnosis works, but it seems to put the body in a state of deep relaxation. Some people believe … acts on the unconscious mind and allows you to control body reactions that you cannot normally control, such as …
Health topics
… about simple snoring. If you stop breathing, choke, or gasp during sleep, you may have a problem called sleep apnea, … is it treated? You may be able to treat snoring by making changes in your lifestyle and in the way you prepare for … legs of the bed (using pillows to raise your head and upper body will not work). Promptly treat breathing problems, such …
Health topics
… Caesarean Section Labour and Delivery Pregnancy Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) … Caesarean Section Labour and Delivery Pregnancy Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) …
Health topics
… by cirrhosis of the liver. Are in the third trimester of pregnancy. Have a major bleeding disorder or use medicines … by cirrhosis of the liver. Are in the third trimester of pregnancy. Have a major bleeding disorder or use medicines …
Medical tests
… Sleep studies are tests that record what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what's … sleep studies are: Polysomnogram. This test records several body functions during sleep, such as brain activity, eye …
Medical tests
… the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. The doctor uses a thin, lighted tool called a … are in the hospital, you may get medicine to make you sleep during the procedure. While you are asleep, the doctor can … test. In rare cases, the infection can spread through the body. And in very rare cases, usually with seriously ill …
HealthLinkBC files
… Asbestos: When Should I Worry . How can I protect myself during the clean-up? Wear appropriate protective equipment … eye protection and a well-fitted respirator such as an N95. During cleaning, avoid touching exposed skin with … hot water and detergent. You should not wear footwear used during clean up into clean areas. Remember to bathe or …
Health topics
… severe headaches and vision problems. How is it diagnosed? During a routine visit, your doctor will measure your blood … types of treatment for high blood pressure are lifestyle changes and medicines. Your doctor may ask you to lose extra … Damaged arteries can lead to problems throughout your body. The higher your blood pressure, the greater your risk. …